As you travel through

As you travel through
As you travel through life

Your dreams will guide you

Determination will get you there

And love will provide the greatest scenery of all.

Jun, 15 2010     147 chars (1 sms)     2068 views       Inspirational

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Success will never lower its standard 2 accomdate us,
we have to raise our standard to achieve it.
"for every bird god provides Food, But not their Nest"
Principle To Success

1. Control Your Destiny, Or Someone Else Will
2. Face The Reality As It Is, Not As It Was, Or As You Wish
3. Be Candid With Everyone
4. Don’t Manage, Lead
5. Change Before You Have To
6. If U Don’t Have A Competitive Advantage, Don’t Compete
Life is a paradox whatever you want - you dont get,
Whatever you get - you don''t enjoy,
Whatever you enjoy - is not permanent and
Whatever is permanent - is boring
A signature always reveals a man''s cheracter...........................
and some times even his name....................
The plus symbol (+) was made with two minus(- -)symbols.

so......all negative things can be shaped as POSITIVE by your hard work and positive thinking.
View A Negative
Experience In
Your Life
Like How You Look
At A Photo Negative.
...A Single Negative
Can Create An
Unlimited Number Of
Positive Prints ! ! !
The capacity for hope
is the most significant fact of life.
It provides human beings
with a sense of destination
and the energy to get started.
The timeless in you is aware of life''s timelessness; and knows that yesterday is but today''s memory and tomorrow is today''s dream.

Khalil Jibran. . .
Losers make promises they often break.

Winners make commitments they always keep.
When others make mistakes,do not keep counting these mistakes.Allow them to count on you for co-operation to erase that weakness
LiVe uP, dRinK IT doWn,

aVoid ThE bULLshiT aNd neVeR haVe RegReTs

coZ aT oNe PoiNT eVeRYThiNg

Was ThE WaY u WaNTEd IT To bE LiKe
Lead such a life, that, when you die, the people may mourn you, and while you are alive they long for your company.