When you and I meet

When you and I meet
""When you and I meet,
And Greet-
Even if, to part;
To meet again,
Further down the Hall!

And that, you see,
Is just that!


Jun, 15 2010     139 chars (1 sms)     2123 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Dnt b disappointed if d
world refuses 2 help U
Remember d words by
"I m thankful 2 all those
who said NO. Its bcoz of
them I did it myself ...
Luck is not in your hand
Work is in your hand;
Luck never makes your work
Work can make your luck.

So always trust in yourself...
ItS A FiNe ThIng

To HaVe A aBiLiTy


ThE AbIlITy To

DiScOvEr AbIlItY in OtHeRs

Is ThE TrUe TeSt ... :)
iS nOt In ThE
mErE pOsSeSsIoN
oF mOnEy ...
It LiEs
In ThE jOy
Of AcHiEvEmEnT,
iN tHe ThRiLl
Of CrEaTiVe EfFoRt ...

Alwayz In People

Who Go Through



You Learn

What Is "L.i.f.e" ...
Time is short - What you do with your time reflects on your own destiny.

I am not afraid to write what I feel.

I am afraid that you will not listen until it is to late.
D o n ’ t
W i s h
I t
W a s
E a s i e r,
R a t h e r
W i s h
Y o u
W e r e
B e t t e r . . . =)
Dont Be Happy For A Reason,

Because That Happiness Ends With The Reason.

Be Happy Without Any Reason

And U Will B Happy For Ever.

Be Happy N Stay Happy :-)
All The Water N The Ocean Could Never Sink A Ship Unless It Gets Inside . . .
Like Wise
All The Pressure Of Life Can Never Hurt You Unless U Let Them In. . .
When u believe someone deeply, Misunderstanding arises ,
but dnt feel for it
Because Some Misunderstandings
are needed 4 good understanding.
Its a secret... (:
Loss leaves us empty
Learn not 2 close ur
Heart & Mind in grief
Allow life to replenish U.
Whn sorrow comes it seems
New joys wait 2 fill d void... :)
Heart in champions has to do with the depth of your motivation and how well your mind and body react to pressure.