Never Argue Wid A

Never Argue Wid A
Never Argue Wid A Fool B.

Cuz First Of All He Will Bring U Down To His Level


Then Will Beat U Wid His Experiences

Jun, 15 2010     124 chars (1 sms)     2018 views       Inspirational

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''Agar Tum Apny''TAKKABUR''

ko Torna Chahtay Ho
KiSi Ghareeb Aur MufliS ko Salaam karo,
Puri Tawajoh k Sath, US Se
MuSafah KARO...
The Size Of Candles
May Differ But They
Yield The Same
Its Not The Matter Of
Your Position, Nut Your
Ability That SHINES ... (=
Tym Is Lyk a River
You Cant Touch The Same Water Twice
The Flow That Has Passed Never Pass Again


Life is a "Roller Coaster"
You can either scream everytime you hit a bump
You can throw your hands up in the air and enjoy it ... (:
Life is a paradox whatever you want - you dont get,
Whatever you get - you don''t enjoy,
Whatever you enjoy - is not permanent and
Whatever is permanent - is boring
life survives on change,
so instead of avoiding it,
take every change as challenge,
either it will give u success
or teach u how to successed..
wealth lost nothing lost

Health lost some thing lost

character lost everything lost
The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.
Wen U Keep Sayng U R Busy, Thn U R Nevr Free,Wen U Keep Sayng U Ve No Time,

Den U''l Nevr Ve Tim, Wen U Keep Sayng Dat

U''l Do It 2morow,

Den Ur 2morow Wl Nevr Cum

There is no market of buyers
For your sorrows
So, never advertise your feelings
It is useless
Be happy always
Don''t Waste Your Time On Jealousy. . .
Some Times U''re A Head . . . Some Times U''re Behind . . .
The Race Is Long And In The End It''s Only Wid Yourself . . .