Great SMS Messages301 messages

100 Memories ...

200 Jokes ...

300 Great Times ...

400 Secrets ...

1 Reason ...


HaPpy fRieNdShIp dAy
Friends Are Like Wedgies ...

They''re Intimately Close

They Know Your Inner Self


It Feels Great When You Pick Out A Good One ... ;->
A Great fRiEnDsHiP
Is FoRmEd
CoZ oF 2 ReAsOnS
1sT tO fInD oUt ThE
2nD iS tO rEsPeCt ThE
DifFeReNcEs ... :)
A Great Quote By
Abraham Lincoln

"If FrIeNdShIp
iS yOuR wEaKeSt
PoInT tHeN yOu ArE
tHe StRiNgEsT pErSoN
iN tHe WorLd ... " :)
Hand Grasps At Hand
Eye Lights Eye In Good
Great Hearts Expands
Grow One In Te Sense
Of This Worlds Life ... (-:
The 10 Qualities
Of Perfect Friend
Must Have

1 Great & Brave Heart

2 Sweet & Soft Voice

3 Sharp & Fast Brain

4 Cute & Stupid Smile

5 Loving & Caring

6 Confident

7 Attractive

8 Deep Connectivity

9 Power Of Speaking

10 Power Of Hearing
Lie About Their Self ... ;->
Don''t Try To
Have Friend Who Can
Achieve Great Heights,
Have A Friend
Who Can Hold When
You Fall From
The Greatest height ..!!
Friendship grows out of chance
Meeting a mere glance
& Then a smie
& Touches the heart in
More ways then one
Isn''t it Great
How We have grown
From being perfect strangers
To who We Are today
I''m fortunate to have found
A wonderful Friend like YOU

Happy Friendship Day
*Best Buddies*
are hard to find..
So Today I choose to thank u 4 evrytime U made me smile, laugh,
4 evrytime U helped,
wiped a tear
I apologize 4 any inconvenience I caused,
4 evrytime I was rude,
4 anything that hurt U..
Thank U for being a Great part of My Small Life :)

WhO iS a TrUe AnD Great FrIeNd?

OnE wHo aTtEnDs ThE WaItInG CalL oF A fRiEnD wHeN LoVeR Is in ThE LiNe.
R e m e m b e r !!

The Greatest gift
Is not found
In a store nor under a tree,
In the hearts of
F R I E N D S ... (=
To accomplish Great things, we must not only act, but also
dream, not only plan but also believe. Best wishes for your