Great SMS Messages301 messages

Every king was once a helpless baby
And every Great structure once a Blueprint....!
Its not where you are today
But wheRe you will reach that counts.
In Great JOY never make PROMISES to any one..!!


In Great ANGER never ANSWER any one..!!

Try it
YOU can avoid many problems in life..!!

A little was flying in winter, it froze and fell to ground.
A cow came dropped some dung on it.
Bird began to realise how warm it was and soon began to sing for joy.
A passing cat heard the bird and dug him out and ate him.
#Not everyone who drops shit on is your enemy.
#Not everyone who gets you out of shit is your friend.
#When you are in deep shit keep your mouth shut.
Thought Of The Day

Trust People And They Will Be True To You;
Treat Them Greatly And They Will Show Themselves Great.
2day Thought
Ambition Is A Dead Sea Fruit,
And The Greatest Peril To The Soul
Is That One Is Likely To Get Precisely
What He Is Seeking.
|| 2DaYz ThOuGhT ||

Great Things
We Can
Little Things
"In Life
The Person
Who Brings Out Best Quality
In U
& Makes U Strong
Is Actually
The One
Who Becomes
Ur Greatest Weakness."
// ToDaYz
ThOuGhT //

" To Be YoUrSeLf In A
wOrLd ,
ThAt Is CoNsTaNtLy
TrYiNg To MaKe YoU
sOmEtHiNg ElSe,
Is ThE GreateSt
AcCoMpLiShMeNt ..."
Drinks, Babes, Cigaretes, R Enemies..
A Man Who Runs Away From His Enemies Is A Coward...
Great People Greate Thoughts!
''''The Greatest advantage

of speaking truth is that

you don''t have to remember

what you said.....''''

Think about it..:-)..!!

Have ur own... ;->
~ ToDaY''s
ThOuGhT ~

" The small Moon can eclipse the
Great Sun
We too, can do Great things
If We set ourselves in the right place at the right time ..."
* Even the Greatest philospher cant
be more serious than a child
while playing a game.

* When one becomes emotional
never advise him.
It is as if you are sowing the
seeds in a stormy wind.

* The snake has its poison in its
teeth dog in tongue scorpio in tale.
Only human has its poison in its heart.. ;->