Great SMS Messages301 messages

A Sailor Ws Stuck In An Island

Whr He Ws D Only Survivor.

He Made A Hut4his Sheltr.Day N Nite,

He Ws Prayin N Waitin4sum1 To Rescue Him

Bt No1came.He Stored Food In D Hut 4 his Survival,

Bt1day,D Hut Burned2ashes N Nothing

Ws Left Of It.He Ws So Angry,

He Said,"God,

Y Hav U Done Dis2me?!

"D Next Morning,Rescuers Came.

He Askd "Hw Did U Know Dat I Ws Hre?"

They Replied,"V Saw A Smoke Signal!"

Trust God Whn Misfortune Happens,

His Plans R Always Greater Than Ours.
Efforts May Fail,

But Don''t Fail To Make Efforts,

Great Things Always Come Late,

Believe In Yourself.

There Is No Shortcut To Success
Efforts May Fail


Don''t Fail To Make Efforts

Great Things Alwayz Come Late

Believe In Yourself

There Is No Shortcut To Success
Greatness is not in where we stand,

but in what direction we are moving.

We must sail sometimes with the wind

and sometimes against it-

but we must sail and not drift,

nor lie at anchor.
All Great Things Are Simple,

And Many Can Be Expressed In Single Words:
The Great Success Mantra ,

"I m Not In Competition With Anybody

But Myself.

My Goal is To Beat

My Last PerformAnce"

Insist On Yourself ...

Never Imitate ...

Every Great Man Is Unique ... :)
If An Egg Is Broken Due 2 OUTSIDE Force Inside Life END''s

If It Breaks Frm Inside Life Begins

Great Things Alwys Begin Frm Inside
Two Great Days In Human Life:

"1.The Day We Were Born &

2.The Day We Prove Why We Born"
It Is Easy In The World
To Live After The
World''s Opinion, It Is
Easy In Solitude After
Our Own,
The Great Man Is He,
Who In The Midst Of
Te Crowd Keeps With
Perfect Sweetness The
Independence Of
Solitude ... :)
"Never Conclude A
Person By His
Present Status
Because Time Has
The Great Power To
Change A Useless
Coal Into A Valuable
Great Motivational Pharase:

"I know I am something,
because God doesn''t create garbage."
words written on the entrance of an
American university!