The Great Success

The Great Success
The Great Success Mantra ,

"I m Not In Competition With Anybody

But Myself.

My Goal is To Beat

My Last PerformAnce"


Jun, 15 2010     144 chars (1 sms)     1876 views       Inspirational

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Coins always make sound....but the currency note are always silent.
so when our value increases, keep yourself calm and silent!
Begin doing what you want to do now.
We are not living in eternity.
We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand
and melting like a snow flake.
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.

Dennis Miller
Champions Aren''t Made In The Gyms.

Champions Are Made From Something

They Have Deep Inside Them

- A Desire, A Dream, A Vision
Celebrate Your
Stand Strong
Adversity Hits...
For When
The Storm Clouds Come In
The Eagle Soar
While Other Birds
Take Cover ...
The Most Intelligent Person

Is One Who Humbly

Accepts The Ideas

Of Others,

And Not Their Own.
Don''t Accept Others
Definition Of Life..
Its Your Life,
Define It Yourself, The
Way U Love It To Be,
Be Yourself B''coz
none Knows About You
Better Than You ...
Don''t Spend Your

Precious Time Asking

"Why Isn''t The World A Better Place?"

It Will Only Be Time Wasted.

The Question To Ask Is

"How Can I Make It Better?"
An Old Man''s T-Shirt Quote Read

"Iam Not 60"
"Iam 16 With 44 Years Of Experience"
Thats Attitude
Think Hatke..!

These Are The Elements Of The (F-A-I-L-U-R-E) Mechanism.

These are the enemy.
Dere cud be 500 apples at a time on an apple tree & each apple has 10 seeds. "Why wud u need so many seeds 2 grow just a few more apple trees?" Well, bcoz
not all seeds bcum trees. Most seeds never grow. So if u want 2 make sumthing happen, u shud try more than once.
A 24 year old boy seeing out 4rm train's window shouted.

Dad, look the trees r going behin!

Dad smiled nd a young couple sitting nearby looked at the 24 year old's childish behavior with pity.
suddenly he again exclaimed

"dad look the clouds r running with us!"
the couple couldn't resist and said to the old man.
"why don't you take ur son to a good Doctor??"
the old man smiled and said "I did nd we are just coming 4rm hospital. my son was blind 4rm birth he just got his eyes today"

MOral: Every single person on the planet has a story' don't judge people be4 u know them. the truth might surprise u.