Do not count what u have lost.

Do not count what u have lost.
Do not count what u have lost.
Just see what u have now,
Because past never comes back
But sometimes future can give
U back ur lost things! good night.

Aug, 01 2013     151 chars (1 sms)     2741 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Its madness...
To hate all roses cz U got scratch by one thorn,

To give up all Ur dreams cz one didn''t come true,

To loose faith in prayers cz one wasn''t answered,

To give up Ur efforts cz one of them failed,

To condemn all Ur friendz cz one betrayed U,

Not to believe in love cz someone was unfaithful...

Remember that another chance will come up, a new friend, a new love, a new life...

Never give up...

Cz life is indeed beautiful.
... Think Positive ...
Your Life Is Your Garden ...
Your Thoughts Are The Seeds...
If Your Life Isn''t Awesome ...
You Have Been Watering The Weeds ...
Hard work spotlights the character of people:

Some turn up their sleeves

Some turn up their noses,


Some don''t turn up at all.
Principle To Success

1. Control Your Destiny, Or Someone Else Will
2. Face The Reality As It Is, Not As It Was, Or As You Wish
3. Be Candid With Everyone
4. Don’t Manage, Lead
5. Change Before You Have To
6. If U Don’t Have A Competitive Advantage, Don’t Compete
The Man

Who Views

The World

At 50

The Same

As He Did

At 20

Has Wasted

30 Years Of His Life.
Secret of success
Sir, " What is the secret of your success?" a reporter asked a bank President.

"Two words."

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Right decisions."

"And how do you make right decisions?"

"One word.''

"And, sir, What is that?"

"Experience. "

"And how do you get Experience?"

"Two words"

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Wrong decisions ."
An Old Man''s T-Shirt Quote Read

"Iam Not 60"
"Iam 16 With 44 Years Of Experience"
Thats Attitude
Think Hatke..!
Believe where others doubt.

Work where others refuse.

Save where others waste.

Stay where others quit.

And u will Win where others lose.
Be more concerned with your character
than your reputation,
because your character is what you really are,
while your reputation
is merely what others think you are.
Just a thought
That you need to host.
Never fear at all
What you fear the most.

Attack fears head on.
Do not avoid, nor swerve.
For it will only restrict
What you deserve.

The risk of hurt
Is just a game of chance.
If you fear the music
You will never dance.

If failure has given you
Bitter taste and tears,
Remember, God loves your faith,
Satan loves your fears.
A Good Way To Change Somebody''s Attitude ...

Is To Change Ur Own ...


The Same Sun Hardens The Clay

Also Melts The Butter ... =)



