
Every King was once a crying baby
every great building was once a map.
It's not important where u r TODAY,
where you will reach TOMORROW is important.

Aug, 07 2013     158 chars (1 sms)     3117 views       Inspirational

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The moment of enlightenment is when a person''s dreams of possibilities become images of probabilities
Billboard on the side of the road:

"Keep your eyes on the road

and stop reading these boards"...!
Any Fool Can Count The Seeds In An Apple.

Only God Can Count All

The Apples In One Seed.

~Trust Him~
Chang is nature of Life, But ''Challenges'' is Aim of Life.
So u have 2 Challnge the Change, Not Change the Challenge.[RT]
"World Is Not A Parking Place,

It Is A Racing Track
Keep On Moving.

No Matter When & Where You Start

But Reach Your Goal & Make New Records.
~.~ S t r a n g e ~.~

A boy & A girl
Can be just Friend
At one point or anothr
One of them will fall for the other,
May be temporarily,
May be at wrong time,
May be too late,
Just may be
... Forever ... =O
A clay pot having milk

will be ranked higher

than a golden pot having poison.

Its not our outer glamour

but our inner virtues

that make us valuable.
"E" is the most unfortunate character in the alphabet.

It is always out of "cash", forever in "debt",

never out of "danger" and in "hell" all the time.

But notice that "e" is never in "war" and always in "peace."

It''s the beginning of "existence" and the end of "trouble."

Without "e", we would have no "love", "life" or "heaven."

Go E!
There are some people who live in a dream world
There are some who face reality
Then there are those who turn one into the other...
To realize the value of ONE MONTH, ask a
mother who gave birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of ONE WEEK, ask an
Editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of ONE HOUR, ask the
couple who is waiting to meet.

To realize the value of ONE MINUTE, ask a
person who missed the train.

To realize the value of ONE SECOND, ask a
person who just avoided an accident.

To realize the value of ONE MILLISECOND, ask
the person who won a silver medal in the Olympics.

To realize the value of FRIENDS, ask a
person WHO cannot name one.
Everybody Tells,
Mistake Is D 1st Step Of Success
Bt It Is Not True.
"The Correction Of Mistake"
Is The First Step Of Success
Never despise life''s fiery trials.
They are God''s ways of bringing out the best in you.

Always remember, you are like a Diamond.
And more a diamond is cut, the more it sparkles.