To be successful

To be successful
To be successful, you must decide exactly what you want to accomplish;
then resolve to pay the price to get it.

Jun, 15 2010     113 chars (1 sms)     1882 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

Trust Urself
Cre8 d Kind Of Self Tht
U''ll b Happy 2 Live Wid
All Ur Lyf
Make d Most Of Urself
By Fanning d Tiny, Iner
Sparks Of Possibility In
2 Flames Of Achievements ... :)
Standing Down The Hill

Gazing At The Sky

How Will U Ever Reach ? ? ?

If U Never Try ! ! !
We always spend our lives thinking that what we deserve from others, so mostly our relations got hurt,

lets spend our lives thinking

"What others deserv from us"

this will make our lives too much easier to spend. Try it
"Being Kind
Is Much More
Than Being Right"

For Sometimes
Wh8 A Person Needs
Isn''t A Brilliant Mind
That Speaks
A Patient Heart That
Listens ... !
Folks May Call You

They May Say That
You Can''t Win


It''s Not What''s On
The Outside

It''s What You Have
Within ...
Life is sacred.
Celebrate life.
Care for others
Share whatever you have with those less fortunate than you
For the whole world belong to you ...
"You are always a valuable, worthwhile human being, not because anybody says so, not because you''re successful, not because you make a lot of money, but because you decide to believe it and for no other reason."
The Great Success Mantra ,

"I m Not In Competition With Anybody

But Myself.

My Goal is To Beat

My Last PerformAnce"

The way I see it is you have two choices in life; you can be grateful for everything life has given you or you can be resentful for everything life has done to you. Your degree of happiness is directly proportional to the conviction of your choice
We Should Be Taught Not To Wait
For Inspiration To Start A Thing . . .
Action Always Generates Inspration
Inspiration Seldom Generates Action . . .
Hate has 4 letters' but so does love,
Enemies has 7, but so does friends,
Laying has 5, but so does truth,
Hurt has 5, but so does heal,
Negative has 8, but so does positive,,,
Transform every negative energy into an aura of positivity....
It's your perception that makes the difference in the way you feel be happy and make others happy
If You Have Built Castles In The Air,

Your Work Need Not Be Lost;

That Is Where They Should Be.

Now Put Foundations Under Them.