Walking Through Life

Walking Through Life
Walking Through Life

Contrary To Popular Belief,

The Great Men Are Not Born Great.

God Uses Trials And Turmoil To Make Them Great!

Jun, 15 2010     140 chars (1 sms)     2149 views       Inspirational

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Be Like A Dolphin

Even Though There Are Dangerous Sharks Around That In The Ocean

It Simply Enjoys The Swimming And Celebrates On Its Own . . . =)
Dont Pray For An Easy Life ,

Pray For The Strength To Endure A Difficult One.
Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.

Then no friends would not be like yourself (all friends would be as loyal as yourself).

If you make a mistake, do not be afraid to correct it.
Ups & Downs,
unexpected results & problems are a part of life. Never lose hope in any condition because the darkness of night always finishes with light of day. Remember
A man can live about 40 days without food
About 3 days without water
About 8 minutes without air But not for 1second without hope!
Beauty Is Life Whn Life
Unveils Her Holy Face
But U r Life & U r d
Beauty Is Eternity
Gazing @ Itself In a
But U r Eternity & U r d
Regretting Over Yesterday And Fear Of Tomorrow Are The Two Thieves Which Steal Our Present..
Live For Today..
Life Will Be Beautiful
Some People Are Making Such Thorough Plans

For Rainy Days That They Aren''t Enjoying Today''s Sunshine.

-- William Feather
Do U Know Why

d car''s WINDSHIELD is So Large

& d REARVIEW Miror is so Small?

Bcoz Ur PAST is Not As Important


So,luk ahead & move on.
Donot worry over what other people

are thinking about you.

They are busy worrying over what

you are thinking about them.
The only difference between where you are right now, and where you''ll be next year at this same time, are the people you meet and the books you read.
Diappointments are like road humps,
they slow you down a bit but you enjoy the smooth road afterwards.
Don''t stay on the humps too long. Move on !!!!!!
Aik Scientific Sher Arz Hay...

Machhar K Kaatnay Se paPPu Ko Ho Gaya Maleria,

Pressure Is Equal To Force Per Unit Area... =P ;->