If you realized how

If you realized how
If you realized how powerful your thoughts are, you would never think a negative thought. Learn to get in touch with the silence within yourself and know that everything in life has a purpose.

Jun, 15 2010     193 chars (2 sms)     1952 views       Inspirational

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Play the game of life with the attitude of "PLAYING TO WIN"
and not with the attitude of "PLAYING NOT TO LOSE".

(think about it, it makes a lot of difference)
"Deep down you know you can be remarkable. You shouldn''t settle for anything less than your best self, reaching ever closer to your potential--whether as a leader or in any other part of your life."
If We Have No Peace,

It Is Because We

Have Forgotten That

We Belong To Each Other.

~Mother Teresa~
Every King was once a crying baby
every great building was once a map.
It's not important where u r TODAY,
where you will reach TOMORROW is important.
I can close my eyes and see all I’m searching for..
I can know what lies ahead without opening the door..
Intuition guiding me I will take my time..
All my answers live within my heart and quiet mind.
Time Can Steal Anything From U.
Ur Loved Ones
UR Victory
UR Belongings
UR Love
But It Cannot Steal Two Things

Is D Enemy Of Efficiency,


Is The Enemy Of Utilisation.

So Don''t Delay Anything &
Don''t Wait 4 Anything

-Bill Gates

Wen U hav so much Pain in Ur Heart
U want 2 talk 2 the only Person
Who can Stop U
4m Crying.
The Same Person
Who made U Cry...
First He Was Dying To Finish High School And Start College,

Then He Was Dying To Finish College And Start Working,

Then He Was Dying To Marry And Have Children,

And Then He Was Dying For His Children To Grow Old Enough So He Could Go Back To Work!

And Then He Was Dying To Retire.

And Then He DIED!

In Between All This He Forgot Something,


Don''t Let This Happen To You.

Appreciate Your
Have A Gud Day
Enjoy Life:)
iS nOt In ThE
mErE pOsSeSsIoN
oF mOnEy ...
It LiEs
In ThE jOy
Of AcHiEvEmEnT,
iN tHe ThRiLl
Of CrEaTiVe EfFoRt ...
Perhaps the most valuable result of all education is the ability to make yourself do the thing you have to do, when it ought to be done, whether you like it or not
success is nothing more than a few simple DISCIPLINES practiced daily. and failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.