A prson askd an
"How do i get d Best out
of Lyf?"
Intellectual answrd:
"Face Ur Past widout
Handle Ur Present wid
Prepare 4 d Future
Widout fear"
Thn He added,
"Keep d Faith & drop d
Dnt Believe Ur Doubts
& nvr Doubts Ur
Lyf is Wondrful If U
Knw how 2 Live" (:
Begin doing what you want to do now.
We are not living in eternity.
We have only this moment,
sparkling like a star in our hand
and melting like a snow flake.
Come to the edge,
we can''t we are afraid
Come to the edge,
we can''t we will fall
Come to the edge,
and they came
...and he pushed them
...and they flew