Great SMS Messages301 messages

I know just the person who needs
“101 Ways to Be a Great Dad”.
Don’t worry it isn’t you!
Happy Father’s Day!
Think of life as a Great road trip ... if you spend too much time looking back at where you've been, you'll miss what's ahead.....!!!!! d
“I love you for what you are,
but I love you yet more
for what you are going to be.

I love you not so much for your realities
as for your ideals.

I pray for your desires that they may be Great,
rather than for your satisfactions,

which may be so hazardously little.
You are going forward toward
something Great.

I am on the way with you,
and therefore I love you.”
Little keys open big locks
Simple words reflect Great thoughts
Your smile can cure heart blocks
So keep on smiling it rocks
Great lines from shakspear:
"i am not handsome but i can give my hand to some one who needs help,BEAUTY IS IN THE HEART NOT IN THE FACE"
When ALLAH gives us ‘NO’ for an answer Keep in mind that there is a much ‘YES’ behind it. His ‘NO’ is not a ‘REJECTION’, But a ‘REDIRECTION’ ?
A Man Came Home Late At Night After A Party. His Wife Yelled: "How Would You Feel If You Don't See Me For Two Days?" The Man Couldnt Believe His Luck: 'That Would Be Great'! Monday Passed And He Didnt See Her...... Tuesday And Wednesday Passed Too..... On Thursday His Swelling Became Better And Now He Could See Her From The Corner Of One Eye... =P
A woman told her friend:"I've made my husband a millionaire."
Friend:Wow that's Great, what was he before he married you ?
A Billionaire.
"The Great thought"

A little lamp can do which the big Sun can not gives light at night
It means no one is superior by size,
But by purpose.
Beautiful Quote..There Iz Nothing Greater Dan Parents In Dis World.
So Go Get Married Fast And Bcome Parents.
Think Different
Do Different:-D..
Think of life as a Great road trip ... if you spend too much time looking back at where you''ve been, you''ll miss what''s ahead.....!!!!!
Life''s lessons

1) Destiny is simply strength of our desires. If you cry at a trouble, it grows double. If you laugh at a trouble it disappears like a bubble...

2) Don''t complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the entire earth with carpet.

3) Every king was once a helpless baby and every Great building was once a blue print. Its not where you are today, but where you''ll reach Tomorrow.

4) In the race between cat and mouse, the mouse mostly wins, because the cat is running for the food & mouse for its life. Remember purpose is more important than need.