Pathan Saw A Very High Mobile Tower
Red Light Glowing On The Top , Seeing This
He Said : We Are Developing So Fast
We Have Trafic Signals For Aeroplanes In The Air Also ;->
Polio Team; Darwaze Par Bachey Hain?
Pathan; Beta Pistal Aur Cartoos Lay Ao.
Polio Team Bhagte Huwey Pichey Say Awaz Aiee,
Tehro Ye Mere Bacho K Name Hain...!
Tortoise and rabbit gave CET exam and tortoise got 80% and rabbit got 81%. Both wanted admission in a good college, cut off was 85%. Rabbit dint get but tortoise got... How....??????? . . .. . .
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Ans: Remember tortoise had won the race when you were in first standard.. So.. Sports quota!!!!
''Film k poster k uper kisi peer k urras ka poster lag gaya dono thory phat gay or txt ye ban gaya
1 ticket me 2 mazy movie k bad langer b hoga Hazrat Allama MOlana Gujjar Badmash Sultan Rahi k ful action khawaten k liye pardy ka khas intazam Nargis k dill fareb raqs me shariq ho k sawab-e-daren hasil karen!''