girl are best engine in
world. Fits all Sizes of
piston. Self lubricating.
Start with finger touch.
Automatic monthly oil
change Best average in
3-4 drops...!!!!!!
6 facts of the world Fact 1: You cannot touch all your teeth with your tongue; Fact 2: After reading the first fact, all fools try it. Fact 3: Fact 1 is false Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.......... ........ Fact 4: Now u are laughing !!! bcoz u became a fool !!! Fact 5: you want to fool ur friends also.. so u want to forward this as soon as u read this completely.. .. Fact 6 : successfully you are fooled... so forward this to fool others.. go on! :)Z
I met money one day. I said, ''''You are just a piece of paper.''''
Money smiled and said, ''''Of course I''m a piece of paper, but I haven''t seen a dustbin yet, in my life'''' ;->
Apun tera dost,
Dost bole to bhai,
Bhai bole to Munna Bhai
Munna Bhai bole to MBBS
MBBS bole to Dr
Dr bole to kya?
Bole to chal chadi utar INJECTION lgane ka :p