ThErE iS a DiFfErEnCe

ThErE iS a DiFfErEnCe
ThErE iS a DiFfErEnCe
Of OnE lEtTeR iN ThE
sPeLlInGs Of
NeW eLeCtEd AmErIcAn
PrEsIdEnT & WoRlD''s
MoSt WaNtEd TeRrOrIsT ...


>> OSAMA ...

May, 15 2010     171 chars (2 sms)     2031 views       Funny

more Funny SMS Messages

Height Of Unreasonable Demand ??

2negroes Wearin Black Suit

Standin Infront F A White Wal

N Asking 4

a Color Phtograph
Ticket Checkr to sardar in Train:''Ticket dikhao''
Sardar:Ye lo''

T.T:''Ye to purana Ticket hai.''

Sardar:''to train kya abhi Showroom se nikali hai....??
U R Many Kilometers Away From Me


Still I''am Watching U

Through 3 Diferent Places

1- Cartoon Network

2- National Geographic

3- Animal Planet . . . ;->
Mom: Have you given the goldfish fresh water?
Child:No Mommy, they still have not finished the water I gave them last week... ;->
Pathan Halwai Sy
Tum Kitny Saal Sy Jalebi Bana Rahy Ho?

Halwai Bary Fakhar Sy
30 Sal Sy

Pathan: Bari Sharm Ki Bat Hy
Tum Se Aaj Tak Jlebi Seedhi Nahi Bani:-D

1 Aadmi Doosre Aadmi Se :

"Bhai Ye Khushi Kia Hoti Hy ???"

Doosra Aadmi:

"Pata Nahi Bhai Meri Tou Jawani Main Hi shaadi Ho Gayi Thi ..."
Baba ji k meley main
is saal parsaad main
kambal bantey jain ge,

Yeh baat kisi aur
ko mat batana kiyon k
ye SmS sirf

FAQIROON ko kiya ja raha hai

All Chahractrs In Dis
Msg r Imaginay
Resemblnce 2
Anyone''s Lyf Is Purely

''Badtameez'' Friends are always ''bdtmz''.

They receive many msgs but they send ''ikka dukka'' msgs in a week.

Actually they r spacial kind of ''bgairat''.

They become more ''Dheet'' after a lot of ''baisti''.

They are bikhari infront of frndz. but very Sakhee 4 their girlfrnds n boyfrnds.

And they never eat ''SHARAM''. :-P

Amazing Home Remedies

A Mousetrap placed on
top of Ur alarm clock wl
prevent U from rolling over
n going back to sleep
after U hit the alarm off ..

Have a bad Tooth Ache ?
Smash Ur Thumb with a
Hammer n U wl 4get abt
the Tooth Ache ..

For High Blood Pressure
Simply cut Urself n bleed
for a few minutes, thus
reducing Pressure in
Veins ..

If U ''ve Bad Cough ?
Take a large dose of
Jamal-Gota then U wl b
afraid to cough ... ;)
''Ek Intehayee Educational Shair Arz hai.
Honthon pe Lipstick Aur naina Kajal Se Lais
Neutralization Takes Place when Acid reacts with Base.''
Tired Of Many Greetings That Comes

Good MOrning

Good After Noon

Good Evening

Good Night

& So On

Now Here''s My Simple Fresh Line

''''Can U Smile 4 Me Once. . . ?'''' :)