till SMS Messages415 messages

Choosing Career Is Like Choosing Wife

From 10 GirlFriends.
Even If U Pick Most Beautiful,
Most Intelligent,
Kindest Women,

There''s Still Pain Of Loosing 9 ;-
Mom: Have u given the goldfishs fresh water ?

Child: No Mom, They still have not finished the water i gave them last week . . . ;->
Sardar g: My computer is going crazy..

Shopkeeper: Why, Whats wrong..?

Sardar g: I dont have a keyboard but it still gives a keyboard error. . . . . ;->
Do u kno which is D oldest animal in D world?


Give up?



Wel its,

Zebra-Coz its still in black and white
Difference Between LOVE n EXAM

In LOVE You Have Thoughts But You CAnt Express Your Thoughts


In Exam You Don''t Have Thoughts Still You Have To Express Your Thought . . . ;->
Teacher: "George Washington Not Only Chopped Down His FAther''s Cherry Tree
But Also Admitted Doing It .
Now Do u Know Why His Father Didn''t Punish Him ? ? ?

Student: Because George Still Had The AXE In His Hand ! ! ! When He Confessed
u r many kolometres away frm me.still i,m watching ur every move thru 3 different channels 1.pogo 2. cartoon network 3.animal planet
My Thumb Never Pains
While Typing Sms For U
But My Heart Beats Keep Increasing
Untill I See "Sms Delivered To U"

Nahi Tou Paise Waste Ho Jayenge Na . . . ;->
LifE iS aLL Abt WakinG uP EaCh dAy tO diSCoVer SoMethinG NeW, Abt MeetinG oLd PeoPLe bUt MakinG NeW CoNverSatioNs, WaLkinG thru oLd RoadS bUt Still feeLinG NicE Abt it,
ReaLizinG thAt u hAvE GrowN a dAy oLdeR bUt Still feeLinG young at hEArt, MeetinG busy ScheduLeS bUt Still fiNdinG timE 4 oLd fRieNds, bEinG NoStaLGic Abt by GoNe dAys bUt
LookinG foRWaRd tO bEttEr dAys,
WaNtinG 2 Shoot da person Who SeNt SuCh a LonG MsG bUt Still MaNaGe 2 SmiLe.

No Matter How Bad You Are




You Are Not Totally Useless ...





You Can Still Be Used As


"BAD EXAMPLE" ... ;->
When Ur Life Is In Darkness

Pray To God


Ask 4 Relief 4rm Darkness


If U Prayed


U r Still In Darkness

Then Realize

"U''re In Karachi" ... ;->
First Guy (Proudly) : "My Wife''s An Angel!"

Second Guy : "You''re Lucky, Mine''s Still Alive."