sleep SMS Messages291 messages

Dear Customer,

Ur Remaining sleeping Time Has Expired.



Leave Ur Bed


Get Up.


Say 2 All

L__M__I (‘,’)Rning!!
There r two things u can do after waking up in the morning....

Go back to sleep and continue ur dream...

Get up and chase ur dream...

-Luv ur bed,its ur temple,-Relax in the day,

so dat u can sleep at nite,-Books r holy,so dont touch dem,-
Dont do sumthing 2morow,dat u can do day after 2morrow,-
If u feel like studying,sit down
wait till dat feeling goes away,-
Dont 4get that studying is a healthy actvity,So leave it 4sick people.
Success Formula-

sleep 8 hours....

Work 8 hours....


make sure they are not the same hours.. :)
< Health Tips >

1. Do Not Use Headphones/Earphone For Long Period Of Time.

2. Best sleeping Time Is From 10pm at Night To 6am In The Morning.

3. Use Salads.
Awake Or Asleep
I Carry A Dream Of You
In Some Beautiful Way
It Takes Reminding Me
How Much Sweeter
My Life Is
You Are Part Of It ... (=
The smallest gestures
that go right to the
Heart ...

A Smile from a
stranger when U r
lost in crowd

An old friend calling
from distant land
just 2 say ''I Miss U''

The touch of mother''s
hand on Ur forehead
when U r unable 2

Friend asking U Wh8z
wrong U thought
no one noticed

A hand on Ur shoulder
when it feels like the
world is against U

An unexpected, but
badly needed Hug from
the 1 U love the most

I Pray
U Get All These
When U Need ... (:
9 Most Brain
Damaging Habits

1. No breakfast
2. Over eating
3. Smoking
4. High sugar
5. Air pollution
6. sleep deprivation
7.Head covered while
8. Working with your
brain during illness
9. Talking rarely

Forward To Whom
You Care About ... :)
. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !/ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘

. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 !_ 3
‘ . 6 . ‘

. ‘ 12 ‘ .
9 _! 3
‘ . 6 . ‘
still awake?
Time to sleep,
sleep TIGHT
Last nite i coodnt sleep.i wantd u warm against my skin.i wantd u on me.i wantd 2 feel u all over my body.. but i coodnt find u!Where did i put my PYJAMAS?
I''m very good in bed...
I can sleep all day...

What Were U Thinking . . . ;->
The ship moves afar as the sun sets to sleep
In my blindness, do I see nature taunt?
My legs in the sand, are down pretty deep
Will I conquer the calm blue sea, and everything beyond ?