-Luv ur bed,its ur temple,-Relax in the day,

so dat u can sleep at nite,-Books r holy,so dont touch dem,-
Dont do sumthing 2morow,dat u can do day after 2morrow,-
If u feel like studying,sit down
wait till dat feeling goes away,-
Dont 4get that studying is a healthy actvity,So leave it 4sick people.

Jun, 19 2010     344 chars (3 sms)     2306 views       Decent

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some people don't understand the way i am, some are hurt by the way i talk, but what i can do if that's the real me, i am not perfect, but definitely not fake!
Every Fool Knows That He Cant Reach The Stars

But It Never Keeps A Wise Man From Trying
life has no rewinds, and no forwards, it unfolds at its own pace
so neva miss a chance to LIVE today,
and make a BEAUTIFUL story for tomorrow
Squeeze the past like a sponge, smell the present like a rose, and send a kiss to the future. Gud Day!
< Health Tips >

1. Do Not Use Headphones/Earphone For Long Period Of Time.

2. Best Sleeping Time Is From 10pm at Night To 6am In The Morning.

3. Use Salads.
Smile in Pleasure
Smile in Pain
Smile when trouble pours like Rain
Smile when someone Hurts U
Smile because SOMEONE
still Loves to see u Smiling
Meaning of life...

Happiness is not something you find, It''s something you create.

Nothing in this world is IMPOSSIBLE as the word is "I M POSSIBLE".

LIFE IS NO WHERE - can be read as - LIFE IS NOW HERE.

This is the reality of life. It depends how you treat it. Be Positive. Keep smiling, it improves your face value.../
Ae Dost Humari Wafae''n Tumhare Liye Hyn

Mehakti Fiza''en Tumhare Liye Hyn

Jahan Bhi Raho Tum Khush Raho

Labbo''n Pe Dua''en Tumhare Liye Hyn
A Beautiful line by "HumAyuN":

"Quraan ki aayetoun me itna Husan hy kye

Be-zameer Logoun se parda kr Leti hyn."
Luvles lyf iz like a fruitles tree
frndles lyf iz like a rootles tree
Tree can live widout fruit but not widout roots
In life, u''ll never know wt u''ve been missing until it arrives... & u''ll never know what u''ve got until its Missing...
Appreciate every little thing u have <-¡!
In my dream God asked me to choose between u & my smile,

I chose u bcoz without u,

I don''t know how to smile.

So be with me always, if u want me to smile