sleep SMS Messages291 messages

when i close my eyes before sleeping i watch u in the dark, When im sleeping i watch u in my dreams, When i open my eyes i found u before my eyes..And then I start Missing u for all the Day...
Good Time
Bad Time
Day Time
Work Time
Off Time
Night Time
Happy Time
Sad Time
sleep Time
In the Mean Time
I Miss U All The Time
I can stay awake,
just 2 hear breathing...
While u smile
While u sleeping
While u far away dreamin
I can spend my life,
in this sweet surrender,
I pray 2 last this moment forever
Every moment spend wid u is a moment a treasure..
Dnt wanna close my eyes n i dnt wanna fel asleep..
"Coz i missed u baby n i dnt wana miss a thing..."
I can stay awake,
just 2 hear breathing...
While u smile
While u sleeping
While u far away dreamin
I can spend my life,
in this sweet surrender,
I pray 2 last this moment forever
Every moment spend wid u is a moment a treasure..
Dnt wanna close my eyes n i dnt wanna fel asleep..
"Coz i missed u baby n i dnt wana miss a thing..."
Good Time,Bad Time,Day Time,Night Time,Work Time,Off Time,Happy Time,Sad Time,sleep Time,In the Mean Time...I MISS YOU all the Time
• Good Time
Bad Time
Day Time
Work Time
Off Time
Night Time
Happy Time
Sad Time
sleep Time
In the Mean Time

I Miss U All The Time
Do U Know???

The Meaning Of. . . Healthy Life...??

1 Hour Exercise?
2 Time Bath?
3 Time Eat?
5 Times Pray?
6 Hour sleep?
8 Hour Work?

& 1 Min Thinking Of Me.
a punjabi woman to an english doctor telling him about his ill child
my kaka iz ill
6 monthda
na eatda
na drinkda
na sleepda
bas har welay
weepda he weepda
"Our birth is but a sleep and a forgetting;
The soul that rises with us, our life"s star,
Hath had elsewhere its setting,
And cometh from afar;
Not in entire forgetfulness,
And not in utter nakedness,
But railing clouds of glory do we come
From God, who is our home."
-William Wordsworth (1770-1850)
"The Dream is not what you see in sleep..,
Dream is the thing which does not let you sleep."
Sardar Was sleeping In His

Bed Room With His Wife

Why Are You Scrolling Down

So Fast.

Let Him sleep With His Wife
Sardar Was sleeping In Bed Room Wit His Wife
For What R U Scrolling Down So Fast?

Let Him sleep With His Wife..