sleep SMS Messages291 messages

A student grabbed a coin,

Flipped it in the air & said,
“Head, I go to sleep.”

Tail, I watch a movie.

If it stands on the edge I’ll study:p
Long Back,
People Who Sacrificd Their sleep,
Food, Laughter N Forgot

Their Family Were Calld Saints.
Bt Now They R Called

"Students" :-)
What Is The True Meaning Of STUDY ... ???






S . sleeping
T . Talking
U . Unlimited Sms
D. Dreaming
Y. Yawning

So Study Hard ... ;->
Class Rooms R Like Train

1st 2 Bench R Executive Coaches

Reserved For VIP

Middle 2 R General Compartment

N Last 2 R sleeper Class. . !!
7 Things Students Do
During Exams Prep:
1- sleeping
2- Eating
3- Texting
4- Watch Movies
5-Chat Wid Frends
6- Dream Of Touching Books
7- Ask Others

Kuch Parha
New style of proposing a girl.. "i hv spent many sleepless nights
in ur Luv n i dont want my son 2 do d same 4 your daughter so
lets mk them brother n sister.
In da mornin I don’t eat coz I think of u,
at noon I don’t eat coz I think of u,
in da evenin I don’t eat coz I think of u,
at night I don’t sleep coz Im hungry
I’ll give u one kiss to go to sleep.
I’ll give u two kisses to dream.
I’ll give u an endless row of kisses to,
when u wake up in the morning, think of me.
Typical Student Grabbed a coin, flipped it in d air n said:
"Heads, I Go to sleep,
Tails, I watch a Movie,

If it Stands Still on d edge
A sweetest frnd is like a pillow..

when u r tired u sleep on it..

when u r sad u drop tears on it..

when u r angry u punch it..

when u r happy u hug it... :->
Wen I Got Enough Confidence,De Stage Was Gone
Wen I Learnt 2 Dry My Own Tears,I Found A Shoulder 2 Cry On
Wen I Mastered De Skill Of Hating,Sumbody Started Luving Me
Wen I Injured My Heart,An Angel Came To Protect Me
And Wen After Waiting 4 Dawn,I Fell Asleep,The Sun Came Out....!
The Roads Are Lovely, Dark And Deep

But I Have Promises To Keep

And Miles To Go Before I sleep

And Miles To Go Before I sleep . . .