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Friendship is sweet when it’s new, Sweeter when its true,
but sweetest when its u. When God gave friends he
tried 2 b fair! When I got u, I got more than my share!
Friendship is sweet when it’s new,
Sweeter when its true,
but sweetest when its u.
When God gave friends he tried 2 b fair!
When I got u, I got more than my share!
You make 10 friends,

laugh wid 9,

meet 8 of dem,

talk to 7,

celebrate wid 6,

share secrets wid 5,

trust 4,

cry wid 3

take help of 2.

But pls dn''t forget 1

dat is me ;-)
You make 10 friends,

laugh wid 9,

meet 8 of dem,

talk to 7,

celebrate wid 6,

share secrets wid 5,

trust 4,

cry wid 3,

take help of 2,

But pls dont forget 1

dat is me.../ @>--
some thing can not be described......
some moments can not be shared......
some feelings can not be explained....
some words can not be described.....
but.....nothing can be hidden from a true
Friendship is sweetFriZendship is sweet when it''s new, sweeter when it''s true, but sweetest when it''s U...When God gave friends he tried to be fair. When i got you i got more than my share!!!
I may have forgotten to say that I care. I may have failed to open up and share, but though no words have been spoken, my promise of friendship won''t be broken.
Dear friends,

Just read this and understand.. ....
They love you.. but they are not your lover....

They care for you, but they are not from your family...

They are ready to share your pain , but they are not in yur blood relation.

Theyare..... ...

FrIeNdShIp iS a StRaNgE ThInG...

V FiNd OuRsElVeS tElLiNg EaCh OtHeR

D dEePeSt DeTaIlS oF oUr LiVeS...

ThInGs v DoN''t EvEn share wId

D FaMiLiEs WhO rAiSeD Us...
Friendship is a 1 Way Road

to be Travelled by Two,

with Hand in Hand,

2 Care,

2 share,

2 Forgive,

2 Love


2 Say Silently

"I''m Always with U".
A cute thought 4 those who believe in Friendship..
Its not necessary 2 share every secret b/w true friends.
but the thing is watever u share shud be true!
Friendship is a 1 Way Road

to be Travelled by Two,

with Hand in Hand,

2 Care,

2 share,

2 Forgive,

2 Love


2 Say Silently

"I''m Always with U"