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I know nothing lasts 4ever,
& may be we went 2 alawys stay 2gather,
But every smile & tear we share,
convinces me that memories of u &
me will last 4 the rest of my life..
Beyond 4ever.
while i am not alyz gud abt saying "i luv u"
i hope u knw i do.. ...
and everyday,
dat we share makes me
luk forward to
whole lyf of luving u... ..!!
"A heart die''s when it is unable to share it''s feelings"
"A heart kills itself when another heart doesn''t understand its feelings!"
(so simple yet it explains everything.........)
LOVE. . .

Its In Those Special Moments Together. ..
Those Laugh You Have Together
Those Secrets You share
Those Promises You Made In Heart
Those Days You Wait To Meet
Those Million Sorrys You Say
Those Calls That Seems Like Seconds & You Never Know That Hours Have Passed. .
The heart is the main organ of the body. It is said that our heart keeps us alive,

but I believe its what is inside our hearts that gives us the drive to live.

The love thats inside our heart that makes us who we are. The greatest gift in my eyes is the ability to love.

To share the love we hold in our hearts is the greatest gift God has given us because people only can live for so long,

but our memories and our love last for eternity.
The Heart Is The Main Organ Of The Body. It Is Said That Our Heart Keeps Us Alive . . .
I Beleive Its What Is Inside Our Hearts That Gives Us The Drive To Live . . .
Te Love That''s Inside Our Heart That Makes Us Who We Are. The Greatest Gift In My Eyes Is The Ability To Love . . .
To share The Love We Hold In Our Heart Is The Greatest Gift GOD Has Given Us B''coz People Only Can Live For So Long
Our Memories & Our Love Last For Etrnity . . .
I can chose who to care,
Who to protect,
Who to share life with,
But I can never chose wid whom to fall in love with
Cuz love is not a choice it is destiny…
L:- Love With All The Herat
o:- Overcome Probleams To Gother
v:- Value Evrething You share
e:- Encourage Each Other
SuCcEsS hUrTs
WhEn YoU dOn''T hAvE a LoVeD oNe To share iT wItH...
BuT fAiLuRe AlSo LoOkS bEaUtIfUl
WhEn YoU hAvE a LoVeD oNe To HuG yOu... (:
Once There Was An Island,
Where All The Feelings Lived.
1 Day There Was a Storm In d Sea
The Island Was About 2 Sink.Every
Feeling Was Scared But Love made A Boat To Escape Every Feeling shared Da Boat,Only 1 Feeling Was Left.
Love Went 2 See Who It Was:
It Was EGO

Love Tried But EGO Didn''t Move.
EveryOne Asked Love To Leave Him N Come Into Da Boat But Love Was Meant To Love.

It Remained With EGO

All The Others Went But love Died Because Of EGO.
Though I don''t write
or call you
as often as I would like to
I spend time every day
thinking about you
Sometimes it is
a memory of something we shared
Other times it is
an incident in my life
that I imagine myself
telling you about
No matter what it is
in my mind
I write and call you every day
and I miss you
I Miss You without you there
And me here I have no one
To discuss little things with,
Like how the dew feels on the grass
Or big things like
What’s going on in the world?
I have been lonely Talking and thinking of myself
I now realize how essential it is
To have someone To share oneself with
I MISS U!!!!