A cute thought 4 those who believe in Friendship..
Its not necessary 2 share every secret b/w true friends.
but the thing is watever u share shud be true!
H-m T-m will never complete without "u" & fr-end sh-p will never complete without "i" so "u" & "i" must be there 4 ever 2 keep hum tum frnds 4 ever...!
La$t night I $ent an angel 2 watch over u
while u were $leeping but it came back early!
$o I a$ked it why?
It $aid that angel$ don"t watch over other angel$....!
koi to Do$T meri zindgi mei ai$a ho,
Mohabbat ki tarah ho wafaon jia$a ho,
Mero tala$h ki had u$ pe khatam ho jay,
Zameen pe ho magar a$maan jai$a hi.....
Friend is a book with only one copy published.
You are one of the best books ever written.
A master-piece worth reading million times and to be kept for ever.