A cute thought 4

A cute thought 4
A cute thought 4 those who believe in Friendship..
Its not necessary 2 share every secret b/w true friends.
but the thing is watever u share shud be true!

Jun, 17 2010     157 chars (1 sms)     2028 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Wafa Ka Nam too Sub Bhartay hain iss Dunia Main Sub Lakin!!!!

Wafa Kan nam per mit kar Dikhana Kiss koo ata hay!!!!

D: Dastak Bhee Na Day
O: Or Apna Bana Lay
S: Sari Zindagi joo sath Day
T: Taaluk bila Lalach Rakhy
I: Isssi rishtay Jo Dosti Kehtay hain janab!!!!
When i open my eyes every morning i pray to God that everyone should have a friend like you.... Why should only i suffer!!!
Love is a Small coin
Life is a Big coin
Lover is a Sweet coin

H-m T-m
will never complete without "u"
fr-end sh-p will never complete without "i"
so "u" & "i" must be there 4 ever 2 keep hum tum frnds 4 ever...!
La$t night I $ent an angel 2 watch over u
while u were $leeping but it came back early!
$o I a$ked it why?
It $aid that angel$ don"t watch over other angel$....!
Dreams Are
Thoughts ...
You Don''t Have
Time To think
About During The Day
1 Seed Can Create A Forest.

1 Smile Can Start A


1 Touch Can Show


And A Friend Like

You Can Bring Meanin 2 Live
The best feeling in the world is
when yOu think that ur friend forgot you
yOu receive a msg from ur friend saying
“Hey I am Missing yOu “
A lover Says, i will be with in all your troubles...
a good friend says...u will have no trouble when i m wid u...
Friendship Is Like Milking A Cow

If You Milk Too Often, You Won''t Get Much Milk.

If You Don''t Milk Enough, The Milk Is Sour And The Cow Is Soar.


If You Milk Regularly, The Milk Is Sweet, Plentiful,
The Cow Is Happy... <-:
koi to Do$T meri zindgi mei ai$a ho,
Mohabbat ki tarah ho wafaon jia$a ho,
Mero tala$h ki had u$ pe khatam ho jay,
Zameen pe ho magar a$maan jai$a hi.....
Friend is a book with only one copy published.
You are one of the best books ever written.
A master-piece worth reading million times and to be kept for ever.