Friendship is sweet

Friendship is sweet
Friendship is sweetFriZendship is sweet when it''s new, sweeter when it''s true, but sweetest when it''s U...When God gave friends he tried to be fair. When i got you i got more than my share!!!

Jun, 17 2010     195 chars (2 sms)     2101 views       Friendship

more Friendship SMS Messages

Phool khile, kaliyan khili,

wah wah...

phool khile, kaliyan khili ,

Ab gulab ki baari hai...

Hamne to sMs bhej diye janab aB aapKi bari Hai.... ;->
Among D GR8 & Glorious Gifts
That V R Blessed With...

It Is D Gift Of Understanding..
That V Find In True Friends!

Like You And Me.
When we are grown, we''ll smile and say we had no cares in childhoods day,

but we''ll be wrong. ''Twill not be true,

I''ve this much care... I care for you."
H-m T-m
will never complete without "u"
fr-end sh-p will never complete without "i"
so "u" & "i" must be there 4 ever 2 keep hum tum frnds 4 ever...!
Tum ne suna hai.

Nahein suna?

Waqain nahi suna?

CNN pe?

BBC pe?

PTV pe?

Geo pe?

Nahin to phir mere se he sun loo.

A Friend is a Treasure
A friend is someone we turn to,
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure,
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives,
with beauty, joy and grace.
And make the world we live in,
a better and happier place.
A Bond Of Luv,
Medal Of Trust,
Shouldr In Sadnes,
Hand In Darknes,
A Spl Relation 2hold,
A Ear Wer Secrts Can B Told
Is D Magic


Many ppl give U
"Crying Tears n Laughing Smiles"
Dere r few ppl who give U "Laughing Tears n Crying Smiles"
Those very few r called
To live a life i need heartbeat,
2 have heartbeat i need a heart,
2 have heart i need happiness,
to have happiness i need a friend,
and 4 a friend i need U.ALWAYS

''S'' upport Us
''P'' ray 4 Us
''E'' ncourage Us
''C'' are 4 Us
''I'' nspire Us
''A'' dvise Us
''L'' ove Us

Hope We Remain
"SPECIAL" Always (:
After 20 years of friendship a friend asked his buddy:
"How come we travelled so far in this friendship?"

His buddy smiled and said:
"I know what you are,
I understand what you cannot be"...

"I am happy at what you are, and I compromisd on what you cannot be"...

That''s how we are here...!! (:
What is the difference between BLOOD and FRIEND.
BLOOD enters the heart and flows out.
But FRIEND enter the HEART and Stays inside Forever.