sent SMS Messages254 messages

A reasent studdi haz shon dat peepal hoo aar vary samaart end gud lukeeng maik manee spallings meestaikes... vaat ees yorr opeeniun?
Teacher:Four beautiful girls are walking on the road..

change it to exclamatory sentence.

I don''t understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine''s Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon ;->
A Meaningiful sentence Written At A Grave-Yard

"As You Are, So We Were,
As We Are, So Shall You Be. . . “

A Silent Msg For All . . .
what did clive lloyd say to michael holding during a presentation ceremony??

i am cliverly holding the mike..and speaking lloydly..
Dad: if u Pass in the exam i will Present u 1 Cycle.
Son: if i fail?
Dad: i will Present 10 Cycle.
Son: why?
Dad: To Open Cycle Shop...!

+92 300 2711 588 / +92 333 9968 674
Most Relationship Fail
Not Becoz Of The Absence Of Love. . .
Love Is Alwayz Present

Its Just That

One Love Too Much


The Other Loves Too many . . . ;->
Not every flower can represent love but roses did it. Not every tree can stand thirst, but cactus did it. Not every monkey can read SMS but hey you just did! Enjoy your day, and dont forget to smile!
During School Days KARAN JOHAR Was D Class Representative.

One Day Teacher Asked Him Wats D Strength Of D Class,

And He Replied

22 Girls,

33 Boys And Me"
D Bst Present 2 Give

2 A Frnd:


2 Ur Enemy:


2 Parents:


2 God:


2 Me:

Nokia N95

Video I-Pod 80gb


HP/Sony Laptop

Home Theater

Digital Camera 12.0

BMW Latest Model

Thats All.

I M "Down 2 Earth Persn

Wid Simple Dreams.
LifE iS aLL Abt WakinG uP EaCh dAy tO diSCoVer SoMethinG NeW, Abt MeetinG oLd PeoPLe bUt MakinG NeW CoNverSatioNs, WaLkinG thru oLd RoadS bUt StiLL feeLinG NicE Abt it,
ReaLizinG thAt u hAvE GrowN a dAy oLdeR bUt StiLL feeLinG young at hEArt, MeetinG busy ScheduLeS bUt StiLL fiNdinG timE 4 oLd fRieNds, bEinG NoStaLGic Abt by GoNe dAys bUt
LookinG foRWaRd tO bEttEr dAys,
WaNtinG 2 Shoot da person Who sent SuCh a LonG MsG bUt StiLL MaNaGe 2 SmiLe.
Sunnys Teacher sent A Note Home To His Mother Saying,

Sunny Seems To Be A Very Bright Boy But Spends Too Much Of His Time Thinking About Girls.

The Mother Wrote Back The Next Day,

If You Find A Solution,

Please Advise.

I Have The Same Problem With His Father