self SMS Messages447 messages

You Can Be :
A Doctor And Save Lives,

A Lawyer And Defend Lives,

A Soldier And Protect Lives,

Or Simply Be YOURself,

A SWEETHEART Who Touches Life...;->
What Is Friend........?????
I Will Tell You......

It Is Someone
With Whom You Dare To Be
Friendship Is All About 3 Things -





Winning Your Friends Heart,

Losing Your self Ego,


Sharing Joys N Sorrows
I Thank The Lord For

The Gift Of Friendship

Where I Can Be Myself

And Be Accepted

As I Am And For

Finding A Home In

The Heart Of A Friend.
Friendship Is All About 3 Things




Sharing ...

Winning Ur Frend''z Heart

Losing Ur self Ego


Sharing Joyz n Sorrowz ... :)
Friends Are Like Wedgies ...

They''re Intimately Close

They Know Your Inner self


It Feels Great When You Pick Out A Good One ... ;->

Is The Bond

When The Ties Between Cannot Be Worn

Where selfishness Is Out Of Question


Emotion Is An Art Of Devotion ... =)
307893 )
A bEsT fRiEnD
iSn''T sOmEoNe,
WhO iS jUsT aLwaYz
tHeRe fOr YoU ...
It''S sOmEoNe wHo
uNdErSaTnDs YoU
a BiT mOrE tHaN
YoU uNdErStAnD
yOurself ... (=
The 10 Qualities
Of Perfect Friend
Must Have

1 Great & Brave Heart

2 Sweet & Soft Voice

3 Sharp & Fast Brain

4 Cute & Stupid Smile

5 Loving & Caring

6 Confident

7 Attractive

8 Deep Connectivity

9 Power Of Speaking

10 Power Of Hearing
Lie About Their self ... ;->
I''ve Got So Many
Idiotic Aspects
May Be
I''m A Sinner
May Be
I Dnt Knw
What Is Mannerism
May Be
I m self-Obsessed
Coming To Think Abt
My Buddies I Think Tht
My Choice Is The Best
In The World ... :)

Dedicated To All
My Buddies *.*
This place is no longer
new to me,

But people! they are
still the same,

So are my dreams!

I wish,
you will find someone
like yourself,

I will miss you,
my dear friend,

As you are so special
to me, by all means ...
Take Good Care Of Yourself,

Friend. We Hope To See You Up And
Running And Back At Kommies Again.

The Place Just Isn''t The Same
Without You.