self SMS Messages447 messages

Don?t expect too much of Christmas Day.

You can?t crowd into it any arrears of

unselfishness and kindliness that

may have accrued during the past twelve months.
Classic example to prove " Girls r selfish"
When i was child,many Girls wanted to kiss me.
I Allowed
Now i want to kiss many Girls ,but no one Allows!!:p
"Coins Always Make Sound"
But The Currency Notes Are Always Silent!
So When Your Value Increases
Keep Yourself Calm & Silent
Awesome self Respect Line I Have
Ever Heard...
"If its going to be hard
for People to Choose between Me 'n
Someone Else
I would allow them to Choose the Other One
I 'm not an OPTION".. !
If you would cure anger,
Do not feed it.
Say to yourself:
‘I used to be angry every day;
Then every other day;
Now only every third or fourth day.
‘When you reach thirty days offer a sacrifice of
thanksgiving to the gods
I’ve learnd
I came alone and i’ve to go alone
I’ve learnd
People r with u only when they need u, not otherwise
I’ve learnd
Extra care of anyone by you will ultimately bring a blame for you, not appreciation
I’ve learnd
A simple LIE of ur close one can break you more than anything
I’ve learnd
Its very hard to weep alone when there is no shoulder to support U
I’ve learnd
Help people but not upto the point beyond ur dignity
I’ve learnd
Luv urself and love people but only if u can do it without expecting anything from them…
& I think I’ ve learnd a bit about life
All i want you is to be courageous
Be calm and
be self equipped with facts and figures
to conquer this exams battle.

I wish you is best of luck in your exams
Sometimes you have to stop caring because you may care too much for someone who doesn't care about you. It's not pride; it's self-respect.
Sometimes I look at my friends and think to myself,

"Where the hell did I meet these crazy people?"

But then I think "What the hell would I do without them" (:
Meaning of F.R.I.E.N.D.S.H.I.P
Fun…………That friends share when they are together.
Reliability….A true friend is someone that you can always rely on.
Interest…….Someone who is genuinely interested in u,ur fears, joys, and life.
Energy………They pick you up when you are down, and give you the energy to go on and believe in yourself.
Nothing……..Nothing is ever too much, no matter what time it is, night or day.
Distance…….Although the miles may separate you, a true friend is never far away.
Secrets……..Your feelings and personal/private thoughts that you can only share with a friend.
Happiness……The way I feel when we are together.
Inseparable….Through good times and bad, tears and laughter. A friend will always be there for you.
Perfect……..The friendship
Take good care of yourself, friend.
We hope to see you up and
running and back at garden again.
The place just isn”t the same without you.
"'For my friend'"
"To whom"
'I miss a lot '

I sit here alone ....
Feeling so empty & loney.
I think of you of every minute of the day .....&
Wondering, how are you ?
What are you doing.....?

Wishing .......!
I could hold you.
I could talk you.
I sit remembering all we shared .
Dreaming of all that will be.

And crying a tear for every minute .

We are a part.
At time........I tell myself !
I am strong & time apart
Will go quickly.
I sit & cry & wonder......!
" why love hurt this way "

" why love hurt this way "