self SMS Messages447 messages

Life in itself is an
empty canvas

It becomes
whatsoever you paint
on it

You can paint misery,
You can paint bliss,

This freedom is your
glory ...
If You Limit Your
Choices Only to Wh8
Seems Possible Or
You Disconnect
Yourself From Wh8 You
Truly Want And All That
Is Left A
Compromise ...
Forget your own
happiness by trying
to create a little
happiness for the
others ...

When you are good to
You are best to
yourself ... :)
"If You

Truly Believe
In Yourself

The Dreams
Will Become Reality


Failure Will Be No More ..." "If You

Truly Believe
In Yourself

The Dreams
Will Become Reality


Failure Will Be No More ..."
Beauty Is Life Whn Life
Unveils Her Holy Face
But U r Life & U r d
Beauty Is Eternity
Gazing @ Itself In a
But U r Eternity & U r d
Dont C Others As Doing
Better Dan Urself

Beat Ur Own Records

EVERYDAY & U Wil Surely Get Success

Success Is A Fight Between U & URself
Don''t Accept Others
Definition Of Life..
Its Your Life,
Define It Yourself, The
Way U Love It To Be,
Be Yourself B''coz
none Knows About You
Better Than You ...
Dere''s A Luxury In
Whn V Blame
V Feel Dath No One Else
Has A Rite 2 Blame Us.
Its d Confession, Not
The Priest, Dat Gives
Us Absoluti

Dnt b disappointed if d
world refuses 2 help U
Remember d words by
"I m thankful 2 all those
who said NO. Its bcoz of
them I did it myself ...
''L i f e''
Is not an
''i - P o d''
To listen your
Favorite Songs

It''s a
''R a d i o''
You must
''A d j u s t''
Yourself to enjoy,
Whatever comes in it...
Painful Thingz:
-Flashing ur smile to s0me0ne u d0n''t want to see!
-Kn0wing dat u have been used by s0me0ne U truly Luv!
-Trying to hide ur tears,
when they voluntarily fall from ur eyes!
-Learning to trust, after u''ve been betrayd!
-Convincing urself that u are not in luv, when u know that u are! ;->
Every man has in himself a
continent of undiscovered character...

Happy is he who acts as the


to his own soul ...