self SMS Messages447 messages

A Loving Relationship Is One
In Which The Loved One Is Free To Be Himself -
To Laugh With Me, But Never At Me;
To Cry With Me,
But Never Because Of Me;
To Love Life, To Love Himself,
To Love Being Loved.
Such A Relationship Is Based Upon
Freedom And Can Never
Grow In A Jealous Heart.
Isn''t winning someone but loosing
Urself to someone.
When U r LOVED by someone its not
due to the excellence of Ur
mind but due to the purity of Ur heart..
Small love story......

Two butterflies love each day they
where playing hide n seek at nite. girl butterfly
says " A small game between us". she says "who
sits on this flower earlier in the mrg tomorrow,
that one loves the other most". then the boy
butterfly says ''OK''. next mrg she was waiting frm 4''o
clock.the flower opened... she found the boy
butterfly dead inside it, because he stayed there
the previous nite itself.
thats what true love.
LOVE IS LIFE, dont miss it.......
Though I don''t write
or call you
as often as I would like to
I spend time every day
thinking about you
Sometimes it is
a memory of something we shared
Other times it is
an incident in my life
that I imagine myself
telling you about
No matter what it is
in my mind
I write and call you every day
and I miss you
I Miss You without you there
And me here I have no one
To discuss little things with,
Like how the dew feels on the grass
Or big things like
What’s going on in the world?
I have been lonely Talking and thinking of myself
I now realize how essential it is
To have someone To share oneself with
I MISS U!!!!
The Hardest Part Of Missing Friends Isn''t Thier Absence, It''s When U Think Of All Those Good Times And Ask Yourself. Will Those MomenTs ever Happen Again....!!!
Watch out!
Defend urself!
. . .
I warned U!
U''ve just been strongly attacked by 1,000,000 of tightest hugs. Miss u dear!
I cant hide it 4rm u anymore I dont want to hrt u I feel its best to tell u
before u hear it from someone else
its a lie that i miss u
really i jst feel u as a part of myself.

My Life...?
Without U...!

Khali-Khali hai na. (Empty)
!!! I MISS YOU !!!
Watch out!
Defend urself!
. . .
I warned U!
U"ve just been strongly attacked by 1,000,000 of tightest hugs.
miss u dearie
i cant hide it 4rm u anymore I dont want to hrt u I feel its best
to tell u
before u hear it from someone else
its a lie that i miss u
really i jst feel u as a part of myself
Dear Family How r u.Enjoyig life! Please take care of yourself; Its Too HOT .Avoid going into sun my dear sons. I realy MISS all of u, Dad,
Changes in life are good, but see to that changes don''t take you far away from the people who love and care you...including myself!