self SMS Messages447 messages

| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

Best Friend - self confidence.
Best Enemy - Worrying Or Fear For Reaching The Goal.

Keep On Increasing Ur Confidence, Strive Ur Best, Just B''0coz Life Is Ur''s. . .
Thought of the Day.

Never explain yourself. Your friends don’t need it and your enemies won’t believe it.
| = = = TodAyzZz ThOuGhT = = = |

If a man does not make new acquaintances as he advances through life, he will soon find himself alone. A man should keep his friendships in constant repair.
\ = = = A LuVlY ThOuGhT = = = /

True love is eternal, infinite, and always like itself. It is equal and pure, without violent demonstrations: it is seen with white hairs and is always young in the heart."
\= ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT =/

I believe everything happens for a reason. If something happens that I don''t necessarily agree with or I''m unhappy with, I''ll just remind myself to stay positive and trust that things will happen the way they should.
PoSiTiVe ThOuGht FoR ThE DaY

Whn U FeEl Tha NoBoDy LuVs U
NoBoDy CaReS 4 U
EvErYoNe Is IgNoRiNg U
PpL ArE JeAlOus oF U
U ShUd ReAlLy AsK Urself

Am I ToO SeXy. . . . ;->
\=== ToDaYzZz ThOuGhT ===/

Success is the result of foresight and resolution, foresight depends upon deep thinking and planning and the most important factor of planning is to keep your secrets to yourself.
'''' FACT OF LIFE ''''

When You Start Caring About YOURself , You Start Loving SOMEBODY ....

But When You Starts Caring About OTHERS , Somebody Starts Loving U .!!
| 2dayz thought |

When U share urself with others
Life begins to find its meaning
The time U touch the heart of others is the moment U truely start living . . . /
Luck is not in ur hands, but work is in ur hands.
Ur''s work can make luck but luck cant make ur work.
So, always trust yourself rather than wait for luck.
A broken heart is like a borken mirror.
It is better to leave it broken
than hurt yourself trying to fix it
| t0DaYz tHoUgHt |

Never expect things to happen.

Struggle & make them happen.

Nvr expect urself to b given a good value,

create a value of ur own.