self SMS Messages447 messages

Alwayz B Happy

Alwayz Wear A Smile

Not Bcoz Life Is Full Of Reasons To Smile


Bcoz Ur Smile Itself Is The Reason For
Many Others To Smile ... (=
Coin''s Always Make Sound..


The Currency Notes Are Always Silent.

So.. When Ur Value


Keep Yourself Calm N Silent..
Remeber There Are

Three "R''s"

Important In Life ...

1 - "R" espect For self

2 - "R" espect For Others

3 - "R" esponsibility For All Your Actions ...
self Confidence Gets U Started

Habit Keeps U Running

Attitude Decides Ur Pace

Values Decide Ur Destination


Faith Itself Is Ur Goal,

Leave Rest All To God !
Efforts May Fail,

But Don''t Fail To Make Efforts,

Great Things Always Come Late,

Believe In Yourself.

There Is No Shortcut To Success
Efforts May Fail


Don''t Fail To Make Efforts

Great Things Alwayz Come Late

Believe In Yourself

There Is No Shortcut To Success
You Are Educated

When You Have The Ability

To listen To Almost Anything

Without Losing Your

Temper & self Confidence
The Great Success Mantra ,

"I m Not In Competition With Anybody

But Myself.

My Goal is To Beat

My Last PerformAnce"

Sumday Evrything ''Ll
All Make Perfect
So 4 Now
Laugh @ The Confusion
Smile Through Tears
Keep Reminding
Evrything Happens For
A Reason .. (:
Insist On Yourself ...

Never Imitate ...

Every Great Man Is Unique ... :)
Trust Urself
Cre8 d Kind Of self Tht
U''ll b Happy 2 Live Wid
All Ur Lyf
Make d Most Of Urself
By Fanning d Tiny, Iner
Sparks Of Possibility In
2 Flames Of Achievements ... :)
Worry Litle Bit Evryday
In a Lyftym U''ll Lose a
Couple Of Years
If Sumthng Is Wrong,
Fix It If U Can
Train Urself Not 2 Worry
worry Never Fixes
Anything ...