Coffee Never Knew . . . How Good It Could Taste Before It Met Sugar, Water And Milk . . . We Friends Are Just The Same . . . We r Good But When We Meet We Become The Best . . . =))
Dont write your name on sand, waves will wash it.
Dont write your name on sky, wind may blow it.
Write your name on hearts of your friends,
thats where it will stay.
JAN- Ki Dhoop Ho
FEB- Ki Barish Ho
MAR- Ki Shaam Ho
APR- Ki Bahar Ho
MAY- Ki Subha Ho
JUN- Ki Chaa''on Ho
JUL- Ki Khushbu Ho
AUG- Ki Taaro''n Bhari
Raat Ho
SEP- Ki Chandni Ho
OCT- Ki Rimjhim Ho
NOV- Ki Hawa Ho
DEC- Ki Sard Raat Ho