One Of The Gr8est
Titles, V Can Have Is
V Never Appreciate
How Important "OLD
V r Older, The Problem
Is, V Need To Start Our
Old Friendships, When
V r Young. V Then
Have To Nurture &
Grow Those
Friendships Over Our
Middle Age When A
Busy Life & Changing
Geographies Can Cause
Us To Neglect Those
Today Is The Day To
Invest In Those People
V Hope Will Call Us
Years To Come ... (:
10 messages received,
1, HI,
2, Hello,
3, I miss U,
4 How r U?,
5, hope ur fine,
6, keep smilling,
7, Take Care,
8, God bless U,
9, Be happy,
10, Gud night.!
“DOSTI mosam nahi, keh
apni muddat pori karay orr
rukhsat ho jay,
DOSTI sawan nahi, keh
toot kar barsay or
tham jae,
DOSTI aag nahi, keh
sulgy bharkey or
bujh jae,
DOSTI aftab nahi, keh
chamkey or
doob jae,
DOSTI phool nahi, keh
khiley or
phir murjha jae,
DOSTI to saans hai jo chaley to sab kuch
toot jae to kuch bhi nahi…….. …