need SMS Messages342 messages

Never Explain Yourself To Any One. Because The Person Who Likes You Doesn''t need It, and The Person Who Dislikes You Won''t Believe It....
Why worry?

Why feel down?

You do not need to, What will happen will happen, so smile and don''t be down because it won''t change anything but make you sad.
" A Relation Is "

When Sum1 Hurts U , U Don''t Hurt Back

When Sum1 Shouts At U , U Don''t Shout BAck


When Sum1 needs U , U Always come Back
4 Facts To Live Better LIFE:

Never Say Sorry To One.. Who Likes U,
Never Say Bye To one.. Who needs U,
Never Blame The One.. Who Really Trust U..
Never ForGet The One.. Who Alwaz Remmbers U..!!
Some of the best moments in life:-
Lying in bed listening to the rain outside...
Thinking about the person you love...
A long drive on a calm road...
Finding money in your old jeans just when you need it...
Giggling over silly jokes...
Holding hands with a friend...
Getting a hug from someone who loves u...
The moment your eyes fill with tears after a big laugh...
Wishing you these moments in your life always..!
Dear God, I
Don''t need
Lots of
Freinds As long as Real ones stay With me,
So bless Them all, Especially the Sweetest One reading this. . . |''!''|
People need To Be.....

- Drunk To Talk;
- Forgetful To Forgive;
- Psychotic To Be Passionate;
- Hurt To Be Honest;
- Confused To Think;
- Crazy To Love.

Strange Indeed.
I nEvEr.....

need 2 SEe D

sUn AgaIn...

ThErE EnouGh

lItE In Ur EyEs

2 lItE uP AlL D


It May be The Ray Of Sunshine


Someone needs In The Stormy Day ... =)
We need At least 2 Things To Live In Life

" 1 Heart 2

Feel the Love


1 Brain 2

Understand It ...

Otherwise We''ll Have

Broken Hearts


Confused Minds " =)
UnErAsAbLe MoMeNtS oF LiFe ... !!!

Giving Someone A Hug When U need It The Most Urself !

Fighting Back The Tears In ur Eyes Juz To Wipe Of Someone Else''s Tears

Listening To Somebody''s Grief When Ur Misery To b Heard

Being d Reason Of Smile On Someone''s Face Whn Ur Own Smile Is Lost ...

Think Upon It .. !!!
needInG sOmEoNe Is
LiKe needInG a
PaRaChUtE ...
If He IsN''t ThErE tHe
FiRsT tImE yOu need
HiM, ChaNcEs ArE yOu
WoN''t Be needInG hIm
AgAiN ... (= ;->