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You need More Than A Thousand Good Things

'R E M E M B E R

Just One Bad Thing Can Make A Big Hole In Some Ones Heart,
*>Ultimate Truth<*
"Its very easy to say that i am busy
when some one needs you...
But its very painful to hear.
" i a m busy"
When you need some one.
i Don't need Someone Who
"Sees Only Good Things In Me!"


I Do need Someone Who
"Knows About The Bad Things
In Me N And Still Wants To
Spend The Whole Life With Me!"
Exams are like girl friends
- difficult 2 understand
- too many questions
- more explanations are needed
And results are most of the time failure...
Sometimes hurting is needed 2 make us grow,
Failure is needed 2 make us know,
Loss is needed 2 make us gain,
b.Coz sum lessons r best when learns through pain.
I know just the person who needs
“101 Ways to Be a Great Dad”.
Don’t worry it isn’t you!
Happy Father’s Day!
Ultimate Truth of Love

Love Is What ...
Can Be Felt Not Told

It Can Be Given
Not Sold

It Comes When
You Least Expect It


Leaves You When
You Most need It ...
a nice feeling when you know that
''it's a nice feeling when you know that someone likes you, someone thinks about you, someone needs you; but it feels much better when you know that someone never ever forgets your birhtday.
great lines from shakspear:
"i am not handsome but i can give my hand to some one who needs help,BEAUTY IS IN THE HEART NOT IN THE FACE"
Friendship... you love shared forgiving understanding shared secrets heals many hurts not judgemental shared laughter slow and steady can be angry at times dependable and true more precious then silver or gold not perfect, much like we are not perfect

...does not hold drudges or demand perfection

...makes all the wrong things in life, right some how meant to be gulped like lemonade on a hot summer day always there, through tomes of trial,happy times and hard times

...just happens, but once discovered, needs to be tendeed like a beautiful garden

in your eyes, i dont see any love anymore
you are the one i need
and am not the one you are looking for
i begged you before i leave
keep me close, i am so naive pushed me out
and you closed the door
I saw in a bird the instinct of love
And in her daughter I saw the need
Her mother is the only source
By which she can feed
And I need you, in your land there was my seed
......So why cruelty is the only thing in your eyes
That I can read