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Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, ''Where have I gone wrong?'' Then a voice says to me, ''This is going to take more than one night''.
Fear less, hope more; eat less, chew more; whine less, breathe more; talk less, say more; hate less, love more; and all the good things are yours.
Sometimes I lie awake at night,

and I ask,

''Where have I gone wrong?''

Then a voice says to me,

''This is going to take more than one night''.
A race horse that consistantly runs just 1 second faster than others is worth millions of dollers more. Don''t compromise on 2nd position in life..
No Sound In This World Can B
more Louder Than Silence
If SomeOne Can’t Understand Ur Silence . . .
They Can Never Understand Ur Words . . .
Frequency of my msgs may b less.

but the time i remember U is more.

Thats Y science says tht

frequency is inversely proportional to time.
Extending One Hand to Help Somebody has more Value,

than Joining Two Hands for Prayer.
Tragedy of life:

Just about the time

when our income gets us

to a point where

food prices dont

matter anymore,

Calories start to

matter! ;-)
Apologizing Doesn''t Mean That

You Are Wrong & Other One Is Right

It Also At Tyms Means That

You Value The Relationship Muc more

Than Your Ego . . . !
Communication does not always travel
on the wheels of the written
or the spoken word,

Silence too speaks
and often more
loudly and clearly than words.
Laughter ... !

Can Be Satisfying
Than Honor ...

more Precious
Than Money ...

more Heart-Cleansing
Than Prayer ...

Keep Laughing ... =)
Some Joyz Are Better
Xpressed In Silence

As A Smile Holds more
Meaning Than Words

I Was Asked If I Enjoy
Having U In My Life

I Juz Smiled ...