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Not Each & Every Feeling In Life
Can B Put Properly In Words.
Some Joys R Better Expressed In Silence,
Like A Smile Holds more Meaning Than Laughter.
How Can u Have
"Charisma" ? ? ?

Be more Concerned
About Making Others
Feel Good About Themselves


You Are Making Them
Feel Good About You ...
Hate, But Love more... Argue, But Agree more
Talk, But Listen more.. Punish, But Forgive more..
Then People Will Love U more
Tears Can some times Be more Special Than Smiles,


Smiles Can b Given to Every 1 ,
But tears Are Shed Only For The person V Truly Love...!
"Even A Small Dot Can Stop A Big Sentence...


Few more Dots Can Give A Continuity..."

Amazing But True...
A Famous Poet ELIOT Said..-

Wen U Get Little,
U Want more.
Wen U Get more,
U Desire Even more.

But Wen U Lose It

U Realise


Was Enough.. z
Don''t Worry About The Delay In

Your Success Compared To

Others Because Construction

Of Pyramid Takes more

Time Than An Ordinary Building ... :-}
Perfection Is Achieved..

Not When

There Is Nothing more
To Add


When There Is Nothing
Left To Take Away ...
Big Fights Usually Break RELATIONS


MINOR Misunderstandings


The Fact Is

SPOILED Relations Are more Painful Then BROKEN ONES ...
Our Eyes Are Placed
In front
It Is more Important
To Look Ahead
To Look Back ...
Failure Is The


To Begin Again


more Intelligently

This Time ...
Do more Thn Belong - Participate
Do more Thn Care - Help
Do more Thn Believe - Practice
Do more Thn b Fair - b Kind
Do more Thn 4give - 4get
Do more Thn Dream - Work