A Famous Poet

A Famous Poet
A Famous Poet ELIOT Said..-

Wen U Get Little,
U Want More.
Wen U Get More,
U Desire Even More.

But Wen U Lose It

U Realise


Was Enough.. z

Jun, 15 2010     164 chars (2 sms)     2136 views       Inspirational

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Rejoice In Our Suffering

Suffering Produces Preserverance

Preserverance Character


Character Hope . . .
A man is not finished

when he is defeated.

He is finished when he QUITS.

So never QUIT because

winners never quit

and quitters never Win.
The significance of a man

is not in

what he attains


in what

he longs to attain.

~ Kahil Gibran ~
Hunger Wakes You 2 Work

Failure Makes You 2 Achieve

Poverty Pushes You 2 Earn

Problems Keep You Alert

Its Just +ve Attitude That Makes
Life Sweeter & Worthier
A BiG pOt FuLl Of
cAn Be EmPtIeD By
A sMaLl HoLe ...
A lItTlE aNgEr Or EgO
WiLl BuRn Up
AlL tHe NoBiLiTy Of A
gOoD hEaRt ...

StAy CoOl n CaLm ... (=
Kill the stress before it kills you.

Reach the goal before it kicks you.

Help everyone before someone helps you.

Live life before life leaves you.
Luck is like sand in hands.
It will sneak out through fingers,

no mater gripped firmly or held loosely.

Only hands in the praying posture can save it.
Remember ...

"G r i e f
T r a g e d y
H a t r e d

Are Only For A Time ...

G o o d n e s s
R e m e m b e r a n c e
L o v e

Have No End ..."
"The single finger which wipes our
tears during our failures is much better than the ten fingers which come
together to clap on our victory".
Think 4 It-

Nev Er

Give Up!"

Winston Churchill
Zindagi K Bade Ghamo

Ko Chota Aur Choti

Khushiyo Ko Bada Karna Sekho...!
Insist On Yourself ...

Never Imitate ...

Every Great Man Is Unique ... :)