Big Fights Usually

Big Fights Usually
Big Fights Usually Break RELATIONS


MINOR Misunderstandings


The Fact Is

SPOILED Relations Are More Painful Then BROKEN ONES ...

Jun, 15 2010     167 chars (2 sms)     1934 views       Inspirational

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Problems Can Either Make u 4 Break u...

Hammer, That breaks the Glass, Also shapes the steel...

Its up to you to be Glass or Steel...

Have a Willpower of Steel & Vision of Glass...
If you follow no other truth, follow the truth that within your being is called joy. If you follow that, you''re always going to be right where you need to be, and you will always have life within your being.
Life Laughs at u whn ur unhappy

Life smiles at u whn ur happy...,


life Salutes u whn u make others happy...!!!
The only difference between where you are right now, and where you''ll be next year at this same time, are the people you meet and the books you read.
success is nothing more than a few simple DISCIPLINES practiced daily. and failure is nothing more than a few small errors repeated daily.
Every King was once a crying baby
every great building was once a map.
It's not important where u r TODAY,
where you will reach TOMORROW is important.
Worry Is The Misuse
Of Imagination ...

Have Confidence That

If You Have Done A Little Thing Well

You Can Do Bigger Thing Well Too ... :)
I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman where the Self Help section was. She said if she told me it would defeat the purpose.

Dennis Miller
Don''t see back when you are moving to success.

But don''t forget to look back after achieving success


When people talk behind your back,

what does it mean??


It means that you are two steps ahead of them!!

So, Keep moving ahead in Life!!
Hunger Wakes You 2 Work

Failure Makes You 2 Achieve

Poverty Pushes You 2 Earn

Problems Keep You Alert

Its Just +ve Attitude That Makes
Life Sweeter & Worthier