"Imagine life as a game
in which you r juggling
some 5 balls in the air
You name ''em
"Work, Family, Health,
Friends n Spirit"
You r keeping all of
these in the air
You''ll soon understand
Work is rubber ball
If you drop it, it''ll bounce
The Other 4 balls
"Family, Health, Friends
& Spirit"
r made of glass
If you drop 1 of these,
they will b irrecoverably
Loss leaves us empty
Learn not 2 close ur
Heart & Mind in grief
Allow life to replenish U.
Whn sorrow comes it seems
New joys wait 2 fill d void... :)
When A Person Doesn''t Have Gratitude. . . Something Is Missing In His Or Her Humanity. . . A Person Can Almost Be Defined By His Or Her Attitude Toward Gratitude. . .
"If you follow no other truth, follow the truth that within your being is called joy. If you follow that, you''re always going to be right where you need to be, and you will always have life within your being."
Life is a paradox whatever you want - you dont get,
Whatever you get - you don''t enjoy,
Whatever you enjoy - is not permanent and
Whatever is permanent - is boring