What is success

What is success
What is success ?

In simple..

Success is......

When your Signature becomes an Autograph

Jun, 15 2010     110 chars (1 sms)     2547 views       Inspirational

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The Tragedy Of Life

Is Not That It Ends So Soon


That We Wait So Long To Begin It ...
A man is not finished

when he is defeated.

He is finished when he QUITS.

So never QUIT because

winners never quit

and quitters never Win.
Success belongs to those people who know to fight for it.......and never give up.......until they succeed.
In rain all birds occupy shelter but eagle is
da one 1 dat avoids da rain by flying above da clouds.

Problem is common to all but attitude makes da difference!
Always think positive.. Expect less..Be happy.. stop not till goal is achieved.. Definitely all the years ahead you will spend happily !!
The significance of a man

is not in

what he attains


in what

he longs to attain.

~ Kahil Gibran ~
"ALmighty ALLAH . . .

When I Lose Hope Because My Plans Have Come To Nothing

Help Me To Remember That

Your Love Is Always Greater Than My Disappointments

And That Your Plans For My Life Are Always Better Than My Dreams

agar koi tumsy bhalai ki umeed rakhy tow usy mayus mat karo q k logon ki umeedon ka tum sy wabasta hona tum py ALLAH ka khaas inaam hy.!!!!
iZ lIkE
H O N E Y ...

cAn SpReAd It
AlL aRoUnD


SoMe WiLl
StIlL sTiCk To
Y O U ... (:
Every Success
Makes You Grow
It Teaches You Wh8
To Do
Every Failure Makes
You Stronger
It Also Teaches You
Wh8 Not To Do...
Some People Are Making Such Thorough Plans

For Rainy Days That They Aren''t Enjoying Today''s Sunshine.

-- William Feather
Don''t be a parrot in life, be an Eagle..!

A parrot speaks but can''t fly high,


An Eagle is silent & has willpower to touch the sky...!