God Has Created The Heavens With Constellations
Like Pearls On A Dark Steed.
The Light Ov The Sun Hides Them In The Day
All The Knowledge Of Them Is Divined In The Darkness Of night . . .
In every crisis there is a message.
Crises are nature''s way of forcing change--
breaking down old structures,
shaking loose negative habits
so that something new and better
can take their place.
A prson askd an
"How do i get d Best out
of Lyf?"
Intellectual answrd:
"Face Ur Past widout
Handle Ur Present wid
Prepare 4 d Future
Widout fear"
Thn He added,
"Keep d Faith & drop d
Dnt Believe Ur Doubts
& nvr Doubts Ur
Lyf is Wondrful If U
Knw how 2 Live" (:
If you follow no other truth, follow the truth that within your being is called joy. If you follow that, you''re always going to be right where you need to be, and you will always have life within your being.