Folks May Call

Folks May Call
Folks May Call You

They May Say That
You Can''t Win


It''s Not What''s On
The Outside

It''s What You Have
Within ...

Jun, 14 2010     146 chars (1 sms)     1879 views       Inspirational

more Inspirational SMS Messages

We dont know how high we can fly,

until we give a real gud try.

Just do ur best in each little try,

May d sky have 2 shift a little high.
Ups & Downs,
unexpected results & problems are a part of life. Never lose hope in any condition because the darkness of night always finishes with light of day. Remember
A man can live about 40 days without food
About 3 days without water
About 8 minutes without air But not for 1second without hope!
Don''t worry if your work is hard and your rewards are few.
Remember the mighty oak was once a nut like you
When I Fail ...

I Laugh And Say
" It''s My Passion ..."


When I Succeed ...

I Call It My
"Business Strategy ... "
Beautiful Message by Mother Teresa:

"If you cannot love a person
whom you see,

then how can you love
GOD whom you have never seen"
Every man has in himself a
continent of undiscovered character...

Happy is he who acts as the


to his own soul ...
...What An Amazing Fact...

The word
" L I E "

stands right in the

middle of the word

" B E L I E V E"
Our Eyes Are Placed
In front
It Is More Important
To Look Ahead
To Look Back ...
Do 3 Things In Life




LIE ...

DRINK 4rm The Fountain Of Knowledge

STEAL Away 4rm Bad Company


LIE On The Bed Of Success (:
Every Moment

Every Situation

Every Issue


Every Concern

Have Positive Side . . .

Find It


Bring It To Life . . .
A Philosopher has very nicely said
"Friend is like blood, though they are not seen in your skin but it comes out when you are wounded"
Hurdles are always there in life,

Some LONG, Some SHORT,

Some HIGH, Some Low,

however NONE are PERSISTENT,

so keep walking and smiling.