Attitude is a Little thing

Attitude is a Little thing
Attitude is a Little thing

which makes a big diffrence like..

I am not the best,

but I am not like the rest.

Jun, 15 2010     117 chars (1 sms)     2003 views       Inspirational

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Holding On To Anger
Is Lyk
Grasping A Hot Coal
Wid The Intent Of Throwing
@ Someone Else
You Are One , Getting Burned
If you would cure anger,
Do not feed it.
Say to yourself:
‘I used to be angry every day;
Then every other day;
Now only every third or fourth day.
‘When you reach thirty days offer a sacrifice of
thanksgiving to the gods
Success Without Honor Is An

Unseasoned Dish ...

It Will Satisfy Your Hunger


It Won''t Taste Good ...
Any Fool Can Count The Seeds In An Apple.

Only God Can Count All

The Apples In One Seed.

~Trust Him~
life is a game of cards , u did not invent it nor did u form the rules,u hav no control overthe cards dealt to u but u r there to play
a good player even with a badband of cards will play well and emerge a winner a bad player even with best of cards will play badly and lose.
how r u playing it?
Don''t Be Afraid Of
Pressure ...
Remember That
Pressure Is What
Turns A Lump Of Coal
There are two primary choices in life

1) To accept conditions as they exist,


2) accept the responsibility for changing them
Secret of success
Sir, " What is the secret of your success?" a reporter asked a bank President.

"Two words."

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Right decisions."

"And how do you make right decisions?"

"One word.''

"And, sir, What is that?"

"Experience. "

"And how do you get Experience?"

"Two words"

"And, Sir, what are they?"

"Wrong decisions ."
There are some people who live in a dream world
There are some who face reality
Then there are those who turn one into the other...

A ChaMpIon Is SoMeOnE

WhO GoEs So FaR

ThEy CaN''T Go AnOtHeR iNcH


ThEn ThEy gO tHaT InCh . . .
Expect least from life and you would be the happiest person in the world.

Because if you dont get what you wished for, you would not get agreived

and if you get it you would get what you didn''t even expected.
"You may believe that you are responsible for what you do, but not for what you think. The truth is that you are responsible for what you think, because it is only at this level that you can exercise choice. What you do comes from what you think."