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in your eyes, i dont see any love anymore
you are the one i need
and am not the one you are looking for
i begged you before i leave
keep me close, i am so naive pushed me out
and you closed the door
in your eyes, i dont see any love anymore
you are the one i need
and am not the one you are looking for
i begged you before i leave
keep me close, i am so naive pushed me out
and you closed the door
You’re welcome sit down here
Between welcome and farewell I sat there
She starts to click her fingers and toes
Music Music out of this noise
My ears assured me and even nose
...Perfume tidiness cleanliness are highlighted
As well as their papers lit Phosphorus
No more mess, no more Chaos in this chorus
She and she and she are the tops of the hierarchy
Infected us with Poise that topples our anarchy
Now it’s clear that King Lear was right
In his abundance of the Monarchy
For the benefit of two girls
Since oranges can’t be compared to apples
Thanks to their Oranges’ Adam’ apple
It HuRtS wHeN wE
rIsK oUr
It EnDs uP bEiNg
WhAt hUrTs more iS
wHeN wE
HoLd On WhEn wE
aLrEaDy KnOw
We ArE wAiTiNg FoR
NOTHING ... =(
She : I Love You ,, more Than anything
He : I Love You Too Honey ,, But Im Sorry To Tell You .. Its Not more Than anything!!
She : what Do You Mean ??
He : I Love another Girl more Than anything
She : ( started to cry ) who is she ?????
...He : She is a Baby Girl whos call (you ) My Mother
If a person is Silent
it does't mean He is unknown of Fun,
Enjoyment &Thrills.

But It means Life has taught Him
......some Lessons which has made Him Silent See more
A line said by a friend to his friend after both got busy in their lives & didn't contact each other.
"Miss your smile a lot but I miss my own smile more"
i kept all my feelings for u in a glass n put it in a locker.....
but today when i was filling it up with more ur phone rang...and the glass broke......
HeateD Go|d BeCoMes OrNamEnT

BeaTeD CoPpeR BeCoMeS WiRe



ThE morePaIn U GeT In LyF

more Va|ueAb|e U BeCoMe....
Life''s lessons

1) Destiny is simply strength of our desires. If you cry at a trouble, it grows double. If you laugh at a trouble it disappears like a bubble...

2) Don''t complain about others; Change yourself if you want peace. It is easier to protect your feet with slippers than to cover the entire earth with carpet.

3) Every king was once a helpless baby and every great building was once a blue print. Its not where you are today, but where you''ll reach Tomorrow.

4) In the race between cat and mouse, the mouse mostly wins, because the cat is running for the food & mouse for its life. Remember purpose is more important than need.
Never seem more learned than the people u are with. Wear ur learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Don''t pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when u are asked
the world dosn;t need more mountains to climb, more seas to cross or more stars to shine. wht it needs is only more of u n ur smile!