Never seem more l

Never seem more l
Never seem more learned than the people u are with. Wear ur learning like a pocket watch and keep it hidden. Don''t pull it out to count the hours, but give the time when u are asked

Jun, 19 2010     183 chars (2 sms)     2180 views       Decent

more Decent SMS Messages

BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I bElIeVe In Me
YoU''vE bRoUgHt,
A lIgHt InTo Me
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
My HeArT nO lOnGeR
yOu TaUgHt Me HoW
tO lOvE n To Be LoVeD
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I m No LoNgEr ScArEd
I fEeL bRaNd NeW
eAcH dAy, As I gO
tHrOuGh EaCh HoUr
BeCaUsE oF yOu !
I''vE nO dOuBtS
yOuR fRiEnDsHiP gUiDeS
mE iN aLl Go ThRoUgH
ThNx It''S aLl BeCaUsE
oF yOu .. :)
Everything Is Pre-written & nothing can be re-written. So, live the best and leave the rest to God.
Whats Sweeter:
Sms Or Miss Call.

Ans: Miss Call,
Becoz It Shows Someone Is Terribly
Missing U That He Or She Is Wordless
To Say Or Write.
"Short but deep sentences"
Life is beautiful only for those who know how to celebrate the "PAIN"...!!!!
Can U Tell Me Your Ingredients
B''coz I''ve Mixed 10000 Kg Of Sugar ,
10000 Kg Of Choclate & 10000 Kg
Of Honey But Still Cud''nt Make Person As Sweet As "U"
Earth and Heaven will pass away But Our''s word will never never never ever pass away.
In Life

Future Is A Question Paper,

Past Is a News Paper


Present Is An Answer Paper !!!


Read , Learn & Write Carefully.
Wudn''T It B N!xE....

If WhEnEvEr We

MeSsEd Up OuR


We CuD S!mP|y




StArT A|| OvEr..... :-|
Life is just like a beach.

WE r moving without end.

Nothing stays with us.

What remains with us

is d memories of sum spl pepole

who touched us as waves
A Good person is like a Lighthouse. It doesn''t Ring Bells & Fire Guns to call Attention to itself. It simply Shines just like YOU
Arz Hai Aladin K Pas Tha 1 Jadui Jin..
Dil Nai Lagta Hamara App K Bin..
Stainless Steel Mei Hota Hai 0.2% Tin..
Khuda Kare Mast Jaye App K Ajj Ka
Din... ;-
Why is common sense like a rainbow?
Because it never appears until the storm is over.