Kitna Bad-naseeb

Kitna Bad-naseeb
Kitna Bad-naseeb
he wo Insan Jo
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Jun, 19 2010     140 chars (1 sms)     2541 views       Decent

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Good Relations Don''t
Need Any Promises,
Terms & Conditions
They Just Need Two
Wonderful People-
"1 Who Can Trust
1 Who Can
Understand That
Trust" :)
Trust is like an elastic

being stretch by two people.

As long as u hold on it,

ul be happy.

The moment one leaves,

the other gets the terrible pain.
Ppl often feel smthin bt xpress smthin else
Dey mean smthin but say smthin else
So learn d art of sayin nothin
in such a way dat it leavs nothin unsaid...
A Relationship Does''t Shine

By Just Shaking Hands

In Best Times.

But It Blossoms

By Holding

The Hands

Firmly In

Critical Times...
Good Unerdtsanding Btewene
Ecah Ohter Is Rael FierndSihp!
Eevn If We Hvae So Mnay
MsiUnerdsantndig Lkie Tish Msseaeg,
Btu i Konw U Cna Raed WtihOtu Msitkae !!
In my dream God asked me to choose between u & my smile,

I chose u bcoz without u,

I don''t know how to smile.

So be with me always, if u want me to smile
Way To Live . . .

Do All Da Good U Can

By All Means U Can
At All Da Time U Can

In Aal Da Places U Can

To All Da People U Can

As Long As Ever U Can
Teacher:Correct the sentence "A bull & a cow is grazzing in the field"

Student:A cow & a bull is grazzing in the field.

Teacher:What is this ?

Student:Ladies First
Learn frm a candle. which burn itself 4 lightening the others way. Live in such a way that even u die but always alive in the gr8 memories of others.
If Tomorow We Mis Each Other

U Will Get Thousands Frends

Like Me

But I Would Not Get U,

Bcoz In Sky Stars R So


But MOON Is Only One
Who Said Water Helps In Putting Off Fire. . . ? ? ?

If So . . .


Why Don''t Tears Heal The Burn In One''s Heart . . . ! ! !

Think About It
Aap mughay
Aik jaga

Se bohAt


Lagte hain.?

maloom hai kahan sE?