lost SMS Messages136 messages

1 day dream asked life : "when v all cum tru?"
Life smiled n replyd :
"never, coz d day all of u cum true
i'll lost my meaning"
18 yr old boy-- will u marry me ?
......18 yr old girl-- get lost ! no !
5 yr old boy-- will u marry me ?
18 yr old girl-- OMG ! he's shoo cutee (^_^) yes yes i will !!

This iz Cheating..
She wanted to leave-
She left...

I had to loose-
I lost...

The difference is,

She just lost a Moment of Life...
In that Moment
I lost
My Whole Life...!
hold on before its too late,
dont fall until we leave trouble behind

be who u are, thats all u need in your life,

nothing seems real...until its lost
Its good to value the things money can buy,but its good,too,to check once in a while and make sure that you havent lost the precious things in life that money cant buy
There r Only 2 Persons
Who Can Tell You The Truth About You ...

A Friend Who has lost His Temper ...


A Enemy Who Starts Loving You ...
UnErAsAbLe MoMeNtS oF LiFe ... !!!

Giving Someone A Hug When U Need It The Most Urself !

Fighting Back The Tears In ur Eyes Juz To Wipe Of Someone Else''s Tears

Listening To Somebody''s Grief When Ur Misery To b Heard

Being d Reason Of Smile On Someone''s Face Whn Ur Own Smile Is lost ...

Think Upon It .. !!!
My eyes brimming with tears.... My heart bit by fears....... Not to love.. For everyone who has loved and lost someone... Actually there is no end of love......
Relation & Bone Are
Same, When Both
Cracked & Get Repaired
Correctly, They Are
More Powerful
If Not Correctly, They
Are lost Their Worth ...
The smallest gestures
that go right to the
Heart ...

A Smile from a
stranger when U r
lost in crowd

An old friend calling
from distant land
just 2 say ''I Miss U''

The touch of mother''s
hand on Ur forehead
when U r unable 2

Friend asking U Wh8z
wrong U thought
no one noticed

A hand on Ur shoulder
when it feels like the
world is against U

An unexpected, but
badly needed Hug from
the 1 U love the most

I Pray
U Get All These
When U Need ... (:
don''t ever regret your love...
Bcoz one day she will find that
she lost a diamond while she was busy in collecting more stones
When You Have
Loved Unconditionally
One Person
lost That Love ...
It Leaves A Wound
That Never Heals
A Sad & Broken
Heart , A Void Forever ...